Chapter 18: Nova

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It is difficult to explain how I am feeling.  Relief is a part of it.  Also a little shock.  Hope.  I just don't know.  

     All I know is that I had thought my sister was dead, but she had survived.  I cried while she was unconscious.  Banshee had stared at me.  We were flying again, and it was relieving.  Banshee looked at Ruby curiously as Luna flew and Blink continued sketching her.  

     Ruby's breathing seemed fragile.  I do hope that she is okay.  It must be strange, being Ruby in that moment.  

     Her eyes flicker open.  She opened her mouth to scream, but I instantly put my hand over her mouth.  It muffled her scream, but it echoed in my ears painfully.  Her eyes widened, but then they softened, like she had just realized it was me.  

     I removed my hand from her mouth and she sat up and looked around, like she had forgotten where she was.  Like she had forgotten who she was.  

     "Nova?" she asked and I sighed in relief.  "How am I alive?" she asked and looked at me and I just about wanted to scream.  Because Ruby would never say that.  NEVER.  Not a chance.  She had changed.  She had changed a lot.  In so little time, too.  

     "Banshee saved you," I replied, nervous about this new Ruby.  

     "Really?  That thing saved me?" she asked.  There's Ruby.  So she hadn't changed.  I sighed in relief.  She looked at me curiously before looking at Luna and Blink.  The gem collar around her neck didn't seem to bother her one bit.  She was clearly fascinated about how Blink was sketching Luna.  She had always been curious.  

     "I thought you were dead," I said.  

     "You really thought a stupid siren could kill me?" she asked and raised her eyebrows.  I smiled and laughed a little.  It was definitely still Ruby.  

     "Do you think it's okay?" Blink had come up behind me, and I had noticed, but I flinched anyway.  He showed me his sketch.  

     It was as accurate as possible.  It was basically perfect.  It was just through different eyes.  Blink's eyes.  She looked more like a queen, but at the same time accurate.  She had a sweet smile.  Her eyes had a glimmer of mischief and I don't know how he caught that.  

     "It's... amazing.  I don't think anyone else could draw like that," I replied.  When I looked at the picture, it was weirdly clear that she was made of porcelain, but at the same time I feel like if you didn't know her, you wouldn't be able to tell.  

     "Do you really think so?" he asked and blushed slightly.  Like he didn't already know he was good at drawing, I thought, at first sarcastic, and then I considered it more deeply and realized he might not.  

     "Well, look at it.  It's absolutely amazing.  Of course I wouldn't lie," I replied and smiled.  Ruby moaned slightly.  Banshee looked at me curiously before once again resting his head on the floor.   

     "What's going on back there?" Luna asked and turned around to look at us.  I smiled and gestured to the sketch.  He blushed and hid it.  

     "I've already seen it," she replied and smiled the same smile that she had in that picture.  Sweet but mischievous.  

     CRASH!  We started to tilt.  I got back in my seat as the ship landed.  WAIT! That isn't a landing.  It was us crashing into pavement.  Stones and metal shards were flying after the impact.  I was on the floor, sobbing.  Blood was bleeding from my forehead.  Tears were streaming down my face.  

     Luna screamed.  It was clear she had broken, at least a little.  

The end

(Of the first book)


In the Depths of Porcelain (A Depths book) (book 1)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα