Chapter 13: Nova

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Wow!  This is another dimension?!  It is beautiful and I float.  But I need to find my sister.  

     And I face plant right into her.  

     Banshee is so close behind, and he grabs both of us and drags us back.  I gasp, but he pulls us back in less than a second.  It tore my shirt slightly.  

     I get one final glance of the beautiful world.  The beautiful orbs floating about.  It was a little like being in the middle of the galaxy, being able to see all the stars.  I almost wanted to stay longer, but at the same time I felt like something wanted to capture me here.  I wanted to pull me into it's depths and never let me out.  

     I sucked in the air of our dimension.  It wasn't as sweet and intoxicating as it was in the other dimension.  I felt more safe.  

     Luna looked at all of us curiously.  My hands instantly wanted something to grab.  

     "I'm back?" I said questioningly.  I raised my eyebrow and Luna gestured to the tree man.  

     "That dimension there, the time works differently there.  I was in there once and I was only in there for a few seconds, but when I got back, it had been nearly two hours," said the man.  He looked me in the eyes.  His eyes were brown and clearly fascinated at the idea that I had simply leaped in without thinking.  

     "I was trying to save my sister," I said and gestured towards Ruby.  The sun was just starting to set.  It changed the color of the sky.  

     It's was beautiful, I thought.  Not just the sky, but also all of this.  I wouldn't give this up for anything.  That dimension had wanted to lure me into it's depths so that it could kill me.  I see that now.  I just hadn't considered it that much.  

     "Thank you," Ruby said, for once not acting like a complete spoiled brat.  It could have been that dimension.  

     "Who are you and what have you done with my sister?" I tease.  She looked at me, shocked I would say something like that.  

     And for some reason they call me the nice one.  It's just what I've been given since I was younger.  I got the title when Ruby was impolite to the general and I offered him a flower.  And that flower was so perfectly flawless.  

     So they taught me to be the nice one and they taught Ruby, more or less, to be the mean girl.  Just how they taught her.  They basically encouraged it.  

     And it was expected of me to be the nice little girl.  It was painful, especially now that I'm older.  Well, not that much older, but you know what I mean.  

     Ruby looked at me and smiled, just slightly.  Still Ruby, I thought.  She snapped her fingers a few times.  Crystals were flying in all directions.  Rubies were flying in all directions.  

     "RUBY!" Luna yelled and took cover.  Blink followed her instantly.  Ruby stared into his eyes, and too late, figured out why she was mesmerized.  The color of his eyes.  She was frozen, unable to move.  

     I think he was sending thoughts at her.  She was frightened all of the sudden.  She lifted her hands to her head and screamed.  

     Blink's concentration broke and she stopped.  I looked from Blink to Ruby, nervous and furious.  

     "It was just a little fun," she muttered under her breath.  He looked to Luna, but she just shook her head.  

     There was a crack in the skin on her arm.  It was a gaping hole of nothingness.  Blink's eyes were wide.  A gorgeous color of gold to me, and he stared at her with shock and a tiny bit of shame.  

     "Nova," Banshee whispered from behind me.  

     I had nearly forgotten that my shirt had been torn.  I touched the back and felt my skin and torn fabric.  

     "We have to go," Luna said and heaved herself up.  But we all noticed it instantly.  

     Her foot had cracked off.  

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