Chapter 15: Meghan

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Okay, so I get to go with them on their little adventure.  It will certainly be exciting.  At least something to do.  

     "You sure you want to come?" Luna asked.  I nodded my head like duh.  She nodded her head and we decided that we had to get something to travel in.  

     "Where should we look?" I asked.  They looked at me like I was the weirdo.  

     Just to point out, we have a porcelain doll girl, a cat girl with super-sensitivity, a whatever-Banshee-is, we also have a dude that can see people's thoughts, dreams, and see through their eyes, a man that can turn into a tree, and a lady that can heal.  

     It's quite the group.  Nova is currently sniffing the ground, her glasses nearly scraping against the stone.  

     Nova pointed in one direction, and we followed her eyes to see that she was pointing at Mark's speed car.  It was a hover car, technically.  It was hovering in the air, like it was waiting for us.  It only made a slight buzz.  

     "I probably should have considered that," Luna said and nodded in agreement.  We all followed her to the door, which when she presses a button, went us with a satisfying sigh of wind.  

     It was vast and shiny.  

     "Do you know how to pilot it?" the healer asked.  She looked at Luna hopefully.  

     "Yes.  I don't think I caught your name, by the way," she replied.  Her eyes opened wide.  She looked nervous, like a name could kill her and us.  

     "My name is Brie, and I had to go somewhere I didn't want to be for years.  It was painful, yes.  But I lived with for a long while before I ran away.  That's me," she said and sighed slightly.  

     I could see something on her arm, like something was under her skin.  It blinked red once.  

     "Get out," Luna said and the woman took a step away from the hover car.  She glared at Luna in shock, but rushed away.  

     Hover cars with flashing blue and red lights came around and they hovered near the ground.  

     People in black suits and black helmets came and pulled her arms behind her back.  She screamed.  She pulled her arms, but she did nothing against them.  

     Her skin stretched and turned into a red, slithery thing.  She shook, trying to shake them off.  She had at least eight eyes and a forked tongue.  

     Her screams echoed everywhere.  Luna closed the door and we flew away.  It was fast.  

     "This way," Nova said and showed me the seating.  I sat down, nervous.  The light buzzing from before was making me vibrate.  Not much, but a little.  

     "Were you born like that?" I asked and looked at her, curious.  

     "Yes.  Why, did you think it was some sort of freakish accident?" she replied and glared at me.  I felt nervous under her stare.  

     "No, I just heard that it happened to some people," I replied, trying to keep my pride intact.

    "Well, I'm sorry, but I don't like it when people assume things like that," she replied and glanced at her lap harshly, trying to avoid eye-contact with me.  

     Luna was sitting in the pilot's seat, barely doing anything.  Blink was sitting next to her, sketching out her exact appearance.  She looked at him and smiled.  He was still working on the shape of her lips when something banged against the windshield.  

     We swerved.  Blink had luckily removed his pencil from the paper, but whatever had smashed into the windshield had left scratch marks.  Long, scrape marks.  

     "I think those are claws," Luna said and looked back at me.  

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