Chapter 14 - Bobby Pt.2

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I slowly went down the stairs trying not to fall with my crutches. I was embraced by Aurora but I didn't look her in the eye. I just kept walking as she talked and talked about what I missed. Colossus grabbed my stuff for me since I was incapable of carrying it myself. I went up to my room and started to unpack. Aurora stayed with me and put all my stuff away for me. I really felt bad that all of a sudden I didn't want her anymore but I should have never dated her in the first place. I knew I couldn't break up with her right now. She was too happy right now after being sad for so long that I had to let her be happy for a little while. When I was done unpacking she sat down next to me and tried to hold my hand but I pulled away. I asked her to grab the wheelchair I used occasionally so I can actually hold things without the risk of falling over. I decided I should go talk to Xavier. I realized as I was rolling my way to his office that Aurora didn't even notice that I was hurt. Maybe Xavier had told her. I rolled into his office and his face lit up before he even looked up from what he was doing.

"Bobby. It's so good to see you." He said coming around his desk.

"Good to see you too Professor. Now I know how you feel all the time."

"Yes although I don't have to wheel my own chair."

"Yeah not all of us get that luxury."

"So, why did you come in here?"

"I just thought you would want to see me. I also have a question."

"No. I didn't tell Aurora about you being hurt. Let me see if I can find anything about it in her mind." We sat there in silence for a second while Xavier searched her thoughts. "She doesn't know anything. She didn't even notice that you were hurt."


"I don't know. Well maybe she just wasn't paying attention. Let's not worry about it now."

"Where is Ariana?" I asked hoping she wasn't just avoiding me but also that she is safe.

"No one told you?"

"Told me what?" I said feeling like my heart was exploding.

"She was taken by Magneto while you were gone."

"WHAT?! Why aren't we going after her? Why is Colossus here he should be out looking for her?!"

"You didn't let me finish. She was taken by him and harmed very badly. She is in the hospital room but she is in critical condition. The doctors are doing all they can but they aren't sure how long she has." The second he finished his sentence I was on an ice slide in my wheelchair down to the hospital room. It felt weird being on an ice slide in a wheelchair but it works well if you just put the brakes on. I finally got there and was in shock at what I saw through the clear glass doors. She looked so weak. She was fine on the outside but I could tell on the inside it was like there was nothing left. No energy or thoughts. Just a body trying to hang on to whatever life is left. I rolled in and her eyes opened the second I did.

"Bobby?" She said weakly.

"Yeah. I'm here."

"I thought you were dead." She said grabbing my hand.

"No I'm okay."

"Your face is a mess and why are you in a wheelchair?"

"My safe house was blown up but I'm fine just some cuts and a broken femur bone but nothing too serious. How are you?"

"Weak. I don't know how long I have and I'm scared."

"You will be okay. There is nothing to be afraid of."

"I heard the doctors talking. They say I'll die within the hour."

"They're wrong."

"I can feel my life slipping away. The only thing keeping me alive was that I hadn't seen you yet but now that I have I feel at peace."

"No, you can't give up on me."

"I love you." She said kissing my hand and closing her eyes.

"I love you too." I said tears starting to form in my eyes. She was gone.

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