{ chapter 1 }

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"Hunter, just take deep breaths,"

"It's gonna be ok Hunter, I promise."


"Chris help me!"


I was trying my best, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to help. Knealing down outside in the pouring rain, I grabbed Hunter's hands as he gasped for breath. This happened a lot, his panic attacks. But this one seemed worse than the others. He didn't even have the energy to slap my hand away or swear at me.

"It's gonna be ok," I assured him; leaning in close to his face. His green eyes stared into mine and I forced away the urge to continue gazing. With my free hand, I moved it around to his back and rubbed up and down. "You're gonna be ok, you're gonna be ok,"

"What's happened?!" Chris demanded as he ran out of the house and towards where me and Hunter sat against the car door. We were getting soaked, but I didn't care. No matter how much I hated my adoptive step brother, I wanted..no needed him to be ok.

"He just collapsed and..I dunno, he's having a panic attack!"

"God," Chris groaned and face palmed himself. "Inhaler, inhaler, inhaler.." he trailed on and felt around in his pockets. Chris was used to Hunter's panic attacks, so he always had an inhaler handy. It was weird that Hunter never kept his inhaler with him, but then he would never use it. He'd rather himself suffocate to death.

After a few moments, Chris was knealing down on the floor and forcing the inhaler up to Hunter's mouth. As usual, my step brother turned his face away as he wheezed and fought for breaths, but also as usual, he gave in.

"No," he gasped; pulling away from the inhaler. He was gripping onto Chris' shirt, something he did when he was either scared as fuck or drunk as fuck. "I don't wanna go..I don't..want-"

"Hey," Chris soothed and smiled a little. "It's gonna be ok. In the airport we'll sit in the corner, far away from everyone else. No one's gonna hurt you, ever."

Let me explain, Hunter had some disorder. Actually, he had many disorders. But this particular one was kind of inbetween anxiety and social anxiety. He hated being around people. Really hated it. In school he had one on one lessons, at home he stayed in his room, and now he was being forced into an airport with thousands of people. The guy was terrified. Which was weird because most of the time, he was a hardcore piece of shit.

Why were we going to an airport? We were moving. We were moving to Virginia Beach because my Step Dad and Hunter's adoptive Dad had gotten a job offer as Chief of Medicine in a higher-class hospital. We currently lived in Alaska, so it was good to be getting away from all the snow. But we were only getting a flat because the job wasn't permanent yet, it was just an 8 month trail. So we were leaving our huge, like really freaking huge house to get some cheap little flat. Ye. Great.


Hunter was surprisingly good on the plane. Within 15 minutes of take off, the pale faced boy was asleep and quietly breathing. In the middle of me and Chris, he looked peaceful.

"Thanks for earlier,"

"Chris he was having a panic attack, I wasn't gonna just sit and watch."

"I know," he sighed and gently stroked Hunter's pitch black hair. Hunter was actually really beautiful. Pale face, green eyes, 5 foot 7 and skinny yet a great body. He had his fair share of piercings; a lip ring, a 12mm stretcher in his left ear, and a septum that he hardly ever wore. He was your stereotypical "emo" or "scene" boy with all of the stereotypes included. Yes, even cutting.

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