{ chapter 8 }

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I'm just gonna make it the holidays in LLAD land, cause I can't be bothered writing about school shtuuff i mean it's just boring.


* Kat *

Hunter was making noises in his sleep. He was sort of whimpering, then groaning, then whimpering again. At first it was sorta cute, but then he took a turn for the worst and it sounded like he was in pain. Turning over in our shitty little fort, he crashed into me with another whimper. I kinda lay there, not knowing what the hell to do. I couldn't move because he'd grabbed onto my shirt, clutching fistfuls of it and holding himself closer to me. A tear escaped from his closed eyes, and he cried out.

"Hunter," I murmured; taking hold of his hands. He was stronger than me, so I couldn't pull him off me. Not that I wanted him off, I didn't mind comforting him, it was just, I needed to wake him up before he started screaming. "Hunter wake up," 

He came closer, wrapping his arms around me and holding on like I was life support. He burried his head in my chest, whimpering and shaking as he did so. He wasn't waking up, he was just crying.

So I did the only thing I could think of, and I comforted him. I told him he was gonna be ok, that I was here for him, that I cared about him, that he was safe. He cried into me for a while longer but eventually as I continued to soothe him, he became quiet. 


When I woke up, Hunter wasn't there. I sighed, knowing that he'd probably woken up thinking "what the fuck" or something along those lines. I kicked away the blankets, ripping them down from above me as well so that my fort was no longer a fort. The sun coming through the windows burnt my eyes and I groaned. 

I hated mornings.

So dragging myself up from the floor, I made my way towards the door, then down the hallway, and into the kitchen. My Mom was making pancakes, Chris was drinking coffee and Hunter was listening to Chris ramble on about something which he obviously had no interest in. His head was flat down on the table, and he had coffee in front of him. He looked cute, well his hair did, I couldn't see his face.

"Morning," Mom smiled to me. "Pancakes?"

"Sure," I forced a smile back, even though my interest was more into what Chris and Hunter were talking about. So I sat next to Chris, trailing my eyes to the floor. I knew that Hunter had a rough day and night, so if Chris was giving him another lecture, it was probably hurting him more than Chris knew.

"..so what I'm trying to say is, you need to start talking about this. If you ever think of doing something like that to yourself, you come to me-"

"You don't care,"

Chris sighed. "Hunter, yesterday I was dissapointed in you. I'm sorry if it came across that I don't care, but I can't let you get away with everything. What happened with you and Kat, you deserved to be punished,"

"Chris he was scared," I pointed out.

"Maybe. But next time he's scared, he's not going to lash out, is he? No. Because he learnt his lesson,"


"He's not your son Kat,"

"I'm not yours either,"

Me and Chris both looked across the table, where Hunter was now sitting up with red eyes. He looked like he'd been crying for hours, to the point where his face was even paler than usual, circles lay under his eyes and he just looked hurt.

"Don't say that Hunter," Chris said quietly. "I adopted you. Legally, you are my son."

"That doesn't mean shit,"

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