Untitled Part 28

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[AN] I changed John's Dad's name so it's different from the original! Also it's late and I panicked and couldn't come up with a better ending so please don't hate me if it's not what you expected. enjoy guys xxx

* H U N T E R *

Everything was peaceful. It was quiet. And no one was trying to hurt me. It felt nice to not have to worry about shit for once. I didn't even need to think. Could just lay there in nothing forever, not giving a damn about the world because I didn't need to anymore.


I guess the silence was nice whilst it lasted.

Lights. All I could see was bright, flashing lights. And blood, blood was down my face and in my eyes and shit, was it my blood? Fighting to bring myself back to real life, I cried out when the pain was brought back as well. My head felt like someone was kicking it, shoving it to the ground over and over again and fuck, were they?

"Stupid little shit! Can't believe you'd disobey me like that! Lucky you're not dead. That's what you wanted though, isn't it? Well bad news for you Hunter. I told you, this is on my fucking terms now. You are mine."

Hearing his voice shot my eyes open. My sight was blurred but I could make out that we were on a road. I was lying on the ground and there where cars, that's why it had all been so bright. Loads of cars were pulled over in a mess, beeping and some people were stepping out of the cars. They were shouting. But all I could hear was John.

"No you don't understand! He's my son! It's alright he's my son we're fine! Don't come any closer!"

"Kid," a voice broke through the screaming.

Kid. Chris called me that a lot. Was it him? The phone call! on the phone he'd said he was going to come and find me and take me home!

"Chris?" I croaked out, trying to reach out and find him but not able to break through the tape still around my wrist. "Chris..."

"You alright kid?"

"He's fine just leave us alone!"

"Hang on, I'm gonna call an ambulance."


The last time I'd heard a bang like that my Mother had dropped down dead at the side of me with a bullet straight through her head. People always thought that gun shots were just like they were in the movies. They were wrong. They were louder and they hurt your ears and made everything spin more. Or maybe that was just me. Maybe everythiing was worse for me because I wasn't strong enough to handle it like a real person.

"Get down! He's got a gun!"

"Someone get the kid!"

"Call the cops!"

All the screaming and no one tried to help me. I did the only thing I knew to do and cried, the tears mixing with the blood and staining down my face. The noises I was making must have sounded pathetic but I just wanted someone to help me. There were so many people. Why couldn't one of them get me and take me home? I screamed when I felt arms, his arms, wrap around my waist and pull me up. His breath was against my ear, making me cringe when it went down my neck. I could feel the bile gathering up in my stomach and before I could stop myself I was retching it all out onto the road. John didn't stop though, he kept tugging and pulling me but I couldn't even see where we were going. I could sort of hear peope around me, most of it blocked out now by the ringing in my ears and my own choking as I threw up in fear.

"Get in the fucking car," John ordered. I think I heard a scream after. "I don't have time for your whining so get in the fucking car or I'll shoot you dead."

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