{ Chapter 18 }

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this is pretty shit, it took me like a month as well. i dunno, distractions and stuff. i'll put a lot of work into the next one. promise. and also if you want to see anything happen with this story, just give me a message and i'll see what i can do. xxx

It had been 11 days since we found out John Storm was still alive. And those 11 days had been the worst. It had been hard to concentrate on anything; school, myself, Mom, Chris, anything apart from Hunter. 

I spent most of my time fussing over him, well, mentally at least. I couldn't show how concerned I was really because then I would never shut up. It was hard for me to control myself really. All that I wanted to do was hold him, make him feel better, talk to him, and really I could do all that. It was like being with a brick wall though. Well, a collapsing brick wall.

Hunter had spent the past days in physical and mental agony. He'd worked himself up to the point where he was actually sick with fear. The first few days had been the hardest. There'd been panic attacks around the clock, nightmares, flashbacks, hallucinations. I'd never seen Hunter hallucinate but Chris had told me how horrible it was. And now, I knew for myself. He was curled up on the bathroom floor, screaming, crying, struggling, saying horrific things that I could only imagine John used to say to him. 

That only happened once though, and after that one time, things calmed down a little bit. The panic attacks were rare, once a day maybe, normally at night or when Hunter let his mind wander. He was eating, not a lot, but a few slices of toast was better than nothing. He was scratching at his wrists when no one was holding his hand, so hard that blood was drawing and he had the advantage of making the cut deeper. Now, I barely let go of his hand.

Chris had tried speaking to me about the kiss he saw me and Hunter share in that heated moment. Mom was more pissed off and refused to be in the same room as me for a while. I didn't care though. Hunter was my priority. I explained to Chris that it calmed Hunter, even calmed me. He felt different when he was with me, he liked hugging me at night and kissing me and holding my hand, even showering with me occassionally. It was a struggle for him to accept at first. 

Chris couldn't really say shit about it. And after learning that there was nothing sexual about me and Hunter, he accepted it. He told my Mom everything about the situation but she was still pissed. She didn't speak to Hunter, barely spoke to me, and only spoke to Chris when necessary. I didn't understand really. It'd be different if we were related, but we weren't. So what was bad about making him feel better?

"Kat," a voice murmured from beside me.

I turned around on the bed to face Hunter who was curled up in my blankets. His face was red with a fever and his eyes all puffy. It was the first time I'd ever seen him where he wasn't as pale as a Tim Burton character and it was a little weird. But he still looked as beautiful as always.


"Wanna fag,"

I laughed a little, shaking my head. "You're ill, no."



"Need it,"

"No you don't,"

"Need it so bad,"

I rolled my eyes. "No. You know what you need?"

His eyes lit up a little. "Yeah?"

"More painkillers, back in a second."

I heard him whimper pathetically as I pulled myself up from the bed and headed out of the door. I walked past my Mom's room, knowing that she wasn't going to come out until dinner and go straight back once it was over. She was being a bitch and I couldn't stand it. So I cut her out. 

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