25. Back in Action

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As I throw the Portkey we “borrowed” from St. Mungo's over my shoulder and run across the Hogwarts grounds as discreetly as possible, I turn towards Sirius and ask, “Hey, so you were pretty sweet on me back when I lost my memories huh?”

Sirius nearly trips over his own feet before stuttering, “Wha—er, I mean, in context of what I said at the Malfoy Manor, are you even surprised?”

“Malfoy Manor?”

I narrow my eyes in thought. Now that I think about it, that entire night is pretty blurry. Something something forest something something water something something amnesia? I think?

“Huh, no…” I admit. “No, I don’t remember really. What did you say?”

After a pause, I turn my head to see Sirius gaping at me. “You—what—after all that?” he demands aghast. “You don’t remember any of it?!”

I frown. “Any of what?” The look on his face makes me smirk. “Oh, I see… What could you have possibly said that could have justified you being all sugary charming with me?”

“Oi! Like you should even be talking!” Sirius retorts indignantly as we reach a secluded side of the castle a little ways from the front doors.

Naturally, all the doors are locked for the night and, even if we did somehow manage to break the lock, Filch would no doubt be snooping around the entrance anyway. So, here we are instead against the castle walls by the lowest window we could find.

Sirius entwines his fingers to make a saddle and scoops me up to the window so I can make a hole for us to get through.

I grab the window sill with one hand to hold myself up and reach the other into my back pocket to pull out my wand and point it at the glass window. “Incendio magnus,” I whisper.

A small, but intense flame appears at my wand tip and I slowly trace a circle against the glass, melting it away.

“You think I was being sugary charming?” Sirius continues below me. “You were totally flirting with me back at the hospital! Going all, ‘you’re really good looking’ and then were getting all grabby with me once the lights went out. What, you forget I’m a guy or something? Not to mention you kept muttering my name in your slee—”


And at those words, I completely lose my balance on his hands and tumble back down to earth. Thankfully, right on top of him. Well, thankfully for me, not for him.

I immediately jump to my feet. “I did not say, nor do, any of that!” I say defensively.

Sirius rolls his eyes as he pushes himself off the ground. “Oh, you sure as hell did. Grabbing me in places you shouldn't have and getting all cute and crap around me.”

Good thing it's pitch black outside because my face turns a bloody glowing pink. I swear I can pass for Rudolph, only it's not just my nose that's red.

“Well, I…” I start lamely, avoiding Sirius' eyes.

As much as I try to deny it, what he said was completely true. Even after getting the rest of my memory back (pretty much at least), I still remember everything that happened while I was an amnesiac, as well as the kinds of feelings I had. For some reason, without the premise of us being engaged, I found myself so easily attracted to him. I felt like there was nothing holding me back.

I liked holding his hand. I liked talking to him. I liked just being around him. But now that I remember everything, our engagement feels like heavy chains rather than a blessing. If anything else, I find myself trying to push away from him, even more now than before.

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