17. Dance With Me

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I blush immediately. "What?"

"Don't what me!" Sirius grabs my hand and pulls me closer, causing me to practically fall into his arms from the last step of the stairs. "Just get over here, dummy! My parents are watching!"

"Oh," I mutter as he places his hand on my waist, mine on his shoulder and grabs my right hand.

So that was the reason.

The music breaks into a waltz at andante, slow enough to keep a conversation without losing my breath, but fast enough to keep me on my toes for the duration. I mean, being pureblood royalty and all that, of course I learned how to waltz while I was homeschooled, but like hell I'd try and actually retain that kind of useless information. Typical that it'd come back to bite me in the arse at the most random possible moment.

Once I'm positive I'm not going to do any extremely embarrassing feet-crushing with my more than lethal stilettos, I finally break the ice.

"You're dressed pretty casually tonight," I comment, gesturing at his outfit with my eyes. "I didn't think you actually meant it when you said you just throw on whatever."

Sirius scoffs in amusement. "You think this is bad? You should've seen me at last year's party. My parents nearly murdered me."

You mean he looked even worse last year? Blimey. Er, not that he actually looks bad right now or anything. I mean, he actually looks kind of good. And by kind of I mean really good. Not that I think he's hot or anything. Though he is pretty good-looking. Well, not good-looking, I mean, like aesthetically pleasing. And sexy. Wait, no, not sexy! AGH, I'VE BEEN POSSESSED.

"You ugly git!" I blurt out abruptly.

Sirius looks down at me bemused. "I'm a what?"

"Er, I mean, what did you wear last year anyhow?" I say hastily.

Phew, nice save, Cecilia. Like he needs to know that I think he's even remotely good-looking. His ego's big enough without another compliment on his dashing looks.

Sirius just chuckles as if reminiscing about a particularly good memory of last year's appearance. "Do you really want to know? I was serious when I said my parents wanted to murder me because it was dead awful. You'd be amazed at how little I actually care about these stupid balls."

I look at him with raised eyebrows. Okay, now I'm even more curious about what he wore.

But Sirius just grins mischievously and cuts in, "Nah, forget about last year! At least, I look better this time around!" He pauses for a moment and then laughs again to himself. "Well, then again, you look so nice tonight, how could I not dress a little more formal?" I look up in amazement just in time to see him watching me with a warm expression on his face. "I told you burgundy would bring out your eyes."

I quickly break away from his gaze in embarrassment. "You're awfully cheeky tonight..." I mutter under my breath.

"I was born cheeky," Sirius laughs, clearly happy with himself at my reaction. "And don't tell me you're not in the mood tonight either. You totally love it."

"Oh, aren't you lippy?" I retort, using the next step in the waltz to step on his foot.

Sirius yelps, now hopping on one leg. "Blimey, those stilettos can kill!" he says wincing. "Aren't we supposed to be dating?"

"Please." I roll my eyes. "Even the most tolerant girlfriend wouldn't be able to resist walloping you."

"Oh yeah? Now who's lippy?"

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