Chapter twenty-three

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"I love you."

"What the hell is happening?" Kirishima asked. "Shh!" Was his only response to what was happening. Wendy, being the kind girl she is, decided to explain to them what was happening.

"Oh!" Was their response when she told them. They then all continued to watch, while occasionally hearing mira swear. Now, after Bakugo confirmed Lucy loving him he stared into nothingness.

"I — I love you too!" It came out more as a remark from Bakugo. "Really!" Lucys face was beat red again. "Y — Yeah . . ." Bakugo's face was also beat red. Lucy gave him a warm smile, while mira was internally fangiring trying no to make a scene.

Bakugo unconsciously put his hand on Lucy's cheek and she put her hand on top of his. She slightly tilted her head into the hand and gave another warm smile with a slight blush. He slowly leaned in to kiss her, keeping his back straight and just bending his neck while she lifted her neck and placed her other hand on his cheek.

They leaned closer and closer, their eyes slowly closing. To them it was like time stopped when it was moving normally. They felt their noses brush against each other and closed the gap between them. They stayed like that for a while.

From where everyone else was standing, they looked like silhouettes in front of the large full moon. They looked beautiful in that position, with the moon glazing over the tops of their hair making them look majestic. Along with the slight breeze that was hardly noticed, it slightly moved their hair.

When they finally broke apart they both sat down with their hands on top of each other. They stared at the moon that looked like it grew larger and Lucy rested her head on Bakugo's shoulders and Bakugo rested his head against Lucy's. They just stared at the stars, Lucy noticing all the consolations of her spirits. The night sky was so clear, it was almost looked like the entire scenery and how everything happened was fake.

The silence of everyone was broken with a slight chuckle from the ash-blonde male. "Stars? Seriously?" He suddenly asked. Everyone else was confused except for Lucy, who, once again, was blushing like a tomato. "Are you serious?" She asked, "You're bringing up the colour of my panties now! Of all times . . ." she sighed. "Way to go ruin the mood." She grumbled which made Bakugo laugh even more. It wasn't like his usual laugh it was an honest, sincere one that no ne has ever heard.

That was until the two heard a very dramatic gasp from behind them. "You saw her panties! You lucky bastard! How could you?!" Minenta started crying anime tears. Lucy turned and saw everyone from class including her guild mates. "Did you guys hear all of that!" She exclaimed. They just nodded.

She abruptly stood up and suddenly felt dizzy, she forgot about the lack of ethernano again.

"Y — you . . . guy . . . s . . . s — suck . . ." Her vision became blurry and she fainted and fell into the arms of Bakugo.


A/N: The next chapter will be the last one.

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