Chapter six

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Everybody was shocked

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Everybody was shocked. There mouths were hanging open anime style — even Aizawa was speechless. While Lucy just stood there and smirked.

Most of the boys were blushing trying to avoid looking at her, while Mineta was drooling over how much skin she was showing.

When she changed into her Taurus form, she also wanted to test how much magic it would take to summon her spirits, so she called Loke out by putting her hand in her pouch and taking out one of her keys. Everyone was more intrigued, wondering what she would do next. Even All Might, who was hiding behind a wall was curious. He knew she used magic, but he didn't think it would be like this. Everyone was paying even more attention when Lucy took a deep breath, like she did when she changed into her stardress. She chanted: "Open! Gate of the Lion! Leo!"

Out of nowhere Loke came out of a puff of smoke, still in the circle, smirking.

"My, my princess. What do I owe the pleasure of being summoned? Have you finally accepted my love for you? We should get married now!" He questioned then yelled. Lucy just sweat dropped and sighed, used to his flirting. "I just wanted to test how much magic it would take to summon you. And, no. You already have Aries and you know what happened with Natsu and I." Lucy told him, blushing at that last part. Bakugo just growled.

Lucy then told Loke to disappear while waving her hand. In another puff of smoke Loke disappeared and Lucy thought, this word doesn't have as much ethernano as Earthland. The got back to throwing the ball. She took the ball and with all her force threw the ball.

Aizawa stood shocked at what he saw on the meter counter. After a second he regained his composure and had his emotionless face on again. "403 238 109.8 meters." He said while showing them the meter.

"How the hell did she get it that far?" Bakugo asked angered. "She got more that 400 million meters!" Kirishima added.

"Lucy, what is your quirk?" Uraraka asked. Lucy said, "I can't tell you. I promised I wouldn't tell anyone." She had a pained expression on her face, for not being able to tell her friend the truth.

"Now then, let's get on with the test."

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