Chapter eleven

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"Girls, let's do this!"

With that said, 1A watched in amazement as the girls fought. Even Aizawa who was close to losing consciousness was watching.

Wendy activated her dragon force and in one swoop took down 20 villains. Erza requipped into her heavens wheel armour and chanted: "Blumenblatt," and one hundred swords came out and flew straight towards the enemy. She brought down at least fifty opponents with that attack. Juvia calmly walked up to the villains who were attacking her but none of them managed to hit. "You can't hurt juvia, Juvia is water," she said then used her water slicer a couple times to take out forty people. "How is that girl supposed to take out anyone? She looks like she can't hurt a fly." Mineta said to Mira. "Oh yeah? Watch me!" Mira told him, then transformed into her seliah form and used a sleep curse on anyone she saw. Finally, it was Lucy's turn and she used her Loke form while Loke was out and used regulas on anyone who came near.

Within five minutes, all the enemy's were on the ground unconscious and the girls went back to their regular attire.

"Wow! You girls are amazing!" Everyone praised. At that moment, Nomu came and All Might burst through the wall.

"Let me help," he offered in a commanding way. The girls looked bored and had nothing better to do so, they agreed.

The fight with nomu ended quickly with the help of the girls. Wendy was helping the most by healing all of the injured. Before recovery girl arrived, she had already healed everyone including Aizawa, to perfection.

"How could a little girl like you do this! There isn't a single scratch on them! And it looks like they didn't lose any stamina either. What type of quirk do you have?" Recovery girls said amazed by Wendy's quirk. Wendy looked clueless and was about to ask what a quirk was when Lucy came and told recovery girl she wasn't allowed to tell anyone what it was.

On the way back the girls took a separate bus with all Might to discuss what just happened. Although, there was one thing on the girls' — except Lucy's — mind.

What is a quirk?

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