Chapter nine

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"Come on guys, we have to get back to them soon!"

After Lucy said that they all started charging towards the villains who were coming at them in groups of hundreds.

Kirishima turned his skin into rocks, Bakugo started some small explosions in his hands and Lucy changed into her Scorpio stardress. All of them preparing for a battle.

"Only three people, how sad." One one the villains said. "Fuck you! Don't underestimate me!" Bakugo screamed at them.

Fifty of them started attacking Kirishima and he was holding them off well. A hundred went for Bakugo and about a hundred and fifty went to Lucy.

"Lucy! Watch out!" Bakugo warned. "I'll be fine!" She replied. Then she started glowing and chanted,

"Survey the Heavens, Open the Heavens
All the stars, far and wide
Show me thy appearance
With such shine

"Oh Tetrabiblos
I am the ruler of the stars
Aspect become complete
Open thy malevolent gate
Oh 88 Stars of the heaven
Urano Metria!"

Then, the light disappeared and all of the enemy's were down — including Bakugo and Kirishima's, with Lucy standing victorious. With her also forgetting that this world didn't have as much ethernano as Earthland and that her magic doesn't recover as fast.

"What the fucking hell was that?" Bakugo screamed. "It was uh . . ." she started, trying to think of something to say, "Ah! That was just apart of my quirk!" Bakugo just gritted his teeth and tched.

"Anyways let's go!" Kirishima said.

When they got back it seemed like everybody was already there, so they all prepared to fight.

"Damn it!" Shigaraki screamed, "this wasn't supposed to happen! Kurogiri, bring the other people here!"

Him saying that left everyone dumbfounded. That is until the warp villain started to transport something here. "What! But we're all here! Don't tell me they have back up!" Denki whined.

Instead of the reinforcements the class was expecting, four girls came out.

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