Chapter seventeen

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"Get out of the way fuckturds!" Someone stormed up to Lucy, looking down a little, him being taller.

"Congratu-fucking-lations," he said in a gruff voice. The entire room went silent, no one said a word. Everyone was too shocked about Bakugo of all people would actually congratulate someone for something. Without swearing even.

"U — um . . ." Lucy stammered. "I — um — Thank you," she managed to say. He just tched and stormed out the door and slammed it shut.

"What . . . just happened?"

"I have no idea."

A couple minutes later, the class finally went back to normal and went back to their seats. "Now then, let's return to class." Aizawa crawled out of his yellow sleeping bag and dusted off some dust.


When the bell rang, Lucy immediately stood up and ran out of the class. Mira, Erza, Wendy and juvia were curious as to where she was going and followed her. "Where do you think she's going?" Wendy asked, worried if Lucy is okay. "Juvia thinks it's to go see Bakugo." The other two nodded in agreement.

Lucy in the other hand, sprinted out of class because she was worried about Bakugo. He didn't come back after he stormed out and she wanted to make sure he was okay. "Where did he go?" Lucy quietly muttered to herself.

She walked around the entities school twice already and there was still no sign of him. She stopped again by one of the lockers and slid down to sit. She stayed like that for a second, thinking of places when she heard some angry whispering. She stopped thinking to listen and she knew exactly who it was.

"Erza, Mira, Juvia, Wendy. Come out now. I know you're there!" She turned to where they were and said angrily. After a couple seconds, four girls came out with a guilty look on their faces.

"Why are you following me?"

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