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"Ji, Soon, let's grab some snacks to eat before going home?" Mingyu asked to his two friends in front of him, who was stuffing their things into their bags, while doing the same himself.

"Let's--ouch!" Soonyoung got cut off by Jihoon suddenly pinching his arm, glaring at him with sharp eyes, lips half pouting. Soonyoung looked back at him, a bit clueless as he forgot his promise to take Jihoon home early today because his mother was a bit sick.

Jihoon sighed at his forgetful boyfriend. "I need to go home early today. Mom isn't feeling that well and Chan might ask for dinner soon."

"O-oh, yeah! I want to take Jihoon home today!" he said, finally remembering his oath. "Sorry, Gyu!" he grinned awkwardly as he scratched his nape.

Mingyu mouthed an 'Aah...' and discarded the idea of inviting them over. So it would be just the two of them. Wouldn't it be good, though? Wonwoo might probably just want that delicious fried ice cream sold near the school. It wasn't like Mingyu would protest; he liked it as well.

"Wait, you can cook?" Mingyu asked skeptically at Jihoon's statement.

Jihoon, already finished with his bags, lifted an eyebrow at him. "At least better than Chan," he simply answered. "The last time we let him cook he looked so weird without eyebrows that it took him a while until they grew back."

The three friends laughed at his remark as he put it in a very funny way--or what we call Jihoon way. Jihoon stood up from his seat, though to Mingyu he might still look like sitting down. If ever Mingyu said this aloud, his life might end that very time. "Let's go, Soon," he said as he saw Soonyoung finished with his stuffs either.

"Aye, aye, Captain!" the boy stood up, grinning happily at his boyfriend. "Have a nice snack time then, Gyu, Won! See you tomorrow!" Soonyoung bad them farewell and the four of them exchanged hand waves before the two disappeared from their sights.

"Fried ice cream?" Wonwoo asked his boyfriend who was zipping his backpack as he stood up.

Mingyu looked up and grinned. "Let's go!"

And so the two went out of the classroom and the school, leisurely walking towards the shop, which was not far from there. Stepping down the stairs, along with crowds of students going home, the two enjoyed each other company, side by side. Imagining something like this would happen to them, when they finally declared to each other, claiming themselves as each other's boyfriend, was something to make them happy, to make them look forward to future days. This wouldn't be short-lived, right?

"Won," Mingyu called soon as they approached the main field, leaving the main school building.

The older looked up at him who was calling his name but eyes looking down on the ground. "What is it?" Wonwoo asked.

"Do you wanna..." Mingyu paused. Wonwoo lifted his eyebrows at him while Mingyu still didn't bother to return Wonwoo's look. "Do you wanna..."

"Wanna what?" A bit pissed, Wonwoo went in.

Mingyu suddenly turned his head and smiled sheepishly at him, showing that very adorable side of him not many could witness. "Do you wanna... uhm..."


"Alright, alright," Mingyu said, scratching his nape. Why would he be so nervous just to say this? "Do you wanna... like... hold hands?"

Wonwoo looked at his boyfriend who was grinning widely, showing his canines, while looking a bit nervous as it was clearly drawn on his face. Actually for himself, Wonwoo didn't like to show their affections in public places, let's say, like this at school, especially in this rush hour time. "Hmm..." Wonwoo hummed as a response.

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