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"Here," Mingyu said, handing a giant fluffy cotton candy in front of Wonwoo, who was spacing out on his own, sitting on a bench near the candy stand. Wonwoo looked up at the taller and slowly took the sweets, shifting for a bit on his spot to give the younger a place to sit down. Mingyu soon sat down next to him and started pulling the flavorful strands of the candy with his lips. Wonwoo looked at him, who was nibbling the treat so enthusiastically, which unconsciously brought smile to his face, even just for a bit. Without letting the younger know that he stared at him for a little while, Wonwoo started to eat the candy.

They just ate in silence, hoping that the amount of sugar contained within their food would allow them to get back to their moods. It actually felt like they were both kids, and it reminded Wonwoo the very time when his older brother bought him the very same cotton candy when they were little. Sugar did help. Soon as the taste reached Wonwoo's tongue, he could feel a lot of happiness surging in. He wondered what if Mingyu was actually his older brother giving him the cotton candy; he just missed him so much. If only they still lived together, Wonwoo would have a place to let out every stress he kept for himself, but for now, the book he got from him was more than enough.

"Won," Mingyu's voice could be heard entering Wonwoo's left ear. Wonwoo looked at him who was holding and spinning his clean candy stick, already finishing the whole humongous sweets. "I'm sorry--"

"No," Wonwoo quickly cut him off, causing the other to look at him with widened eyes, in confusion. "I'm sorry," he said looking down. Mingyu just decided to stay still on his spot, stopping playing with his candy stick.

"Won?" Mingyu asked as he noticed the sudden mood change even after the cotton-candy-eating session.

Wonwoo sighed loudly, before taking another munch of his candy. Swallowing it slowly, he said, "I'm sorry that I'm really tired, so much that I got too sensitive about everything."

Mingyu frowned upon his statement. It wasn't a fault at all, was it? "Won, it's not a fault. I get it if you have something personal with your slee--"

"It's not that, Gyu," Wonwoo cut him off again as he looked up at his taller friend, eyes locking on the other's. Mingyu was a bit taken aback because of the older's action, but heck, how he missed his name slipping out of his lips. It sounded like a soothing sound to his ears and he could listen to it forever without getting tired. "Just... everything," Wonwoo continued. "I thought I forgot for some times about how precious you guys actually are," he explained, reminiscing his past week when he had been holding his upset feelings towards his friends. To think about it more thoroughly, it was the very least reason a person like Wonwoo would want to make a fuss about. He never knew he could be so exhausted that he would exceed his limits.

Mingyu smiled comfortingly at him, quietly calling his name so the older would see his happy face. Wonwoo blushed a bit and looked away as he nibbled more of his remaining candy. No matter how much hatred his head could draw towards this canine-smile friend of his, his heart would always tell him that he missed the younger so much, all throughout the week. No matter how much his practice distracted him, no matter how much his new friends made him laugh, no matter how tiring life had been for him, his heart always kept the longing feelings towards the one and only Kim Mingyu. As a side note, Wonwoo knew very well that the younger had developed feelings toward him--his action on the bus weeks ago was just his cover to confirm it, if he liked him or not. Little did the younger know that Wonwoo was shaking for the rest of the ride as he couldn't believe he really did that as planned.

'I like you too, Gyu,' muttered Wonwoo's brain. But he didn't say that aloud, whether he couldn't, or he just didn't. Wonwoo told himself, someday he would tell Mingyu that, that he returned his feelings. But considering everything that had happened, Wonwoo wanted to make sure everything was alright first. He wanted to make up for the things they missed because of him. So until then, he hoped both party would hold the feelings.

"May I ask what's with your sleeves now, Won?" Mingyu suddenly brought up a new topic, hoping really hard it wouldn't change the mood back. He believed they were already at that point, where perhaps Wonwoo might consider his secret behind those long sleeves not personal anymore.

Wonwoo looked up at him, as he finally finished his cotton candy. He smiled slightly at the younger, unknowingly why, perhaps because he thought Mingyu knew someday or sooner, he would tell everything to him because Mingyu would be that one special person Wonwoo wanted to hold dear. But honestly speaking, Wonwoo himself wasn't ready yet to tell this now, not sure why. "It's just... something like a trauma from my childhood," he said as he looked away from his friend, twirling the clean candy baton with his hands.

Mingyu stopped interfering soon as he heard the word trauma. He didn't want to dig in any deeper as he just replied, "Oh, sorry, Won," scratching his nape.

"No, no, no, no need to," Wonwoo smiled softly at him as he shook his head. "There's no need to say that. Thanks for your concern, Gyu."

Mingyu stared blankly at the older. Wonwoo was indeed too nice to be a living person. But one thing was sure, Mingyu was glad what he thought were the reasons behind Wonwoo's attires weren't true. "W-Well, I'm just afraid if i-it's something related to self-harm, W-Won," he muttered, wishing the older wouldn't hear completely, as he looked away, blushing a bit.

It was now Wonwoo's turn to stare at Mingyu, specifically, on Mingyu's reddening right cheek. Wonwoo slowly reached out with his left hand, trying to grasp Mingyu's hand. Soon as their skins touched, Mingyu was sent surprised and quickly stared at the older, who was throwing him a loving smile. "Don't worry, Gyu, it's not that," Wonwoo said, assuring, his hand still on Mingyu's. Thinking about the shiver Wonwoo sent through the touch would be the last thing Mingyu wanted to focus on. "I always believe, no matter how hard it would be, there will be always someone who still loves me, who still waits for my return every single minute, and that means my life is precious. I have sworn to myself that I will never do something to hurt myself, for myself, and for the people I hold dear."

Mingyu smiled at his quote. Never had he thought about something that beautiful, and those words came out from someone so beautiful, no other than Jeon Wonwoo, both outside and inside. Mingyu was slowly going head-over-heels for the other as he quietly wished he would be among those he held dear. Jeon Wonwoo, a mere high school student, one of Mingyu's best friends, never failed to amaze him.

Their soft session was broken by a sound of loud whistling, coming closer to them. Soonyoung and Jihoon were those, casually walking side by side. Wonwoo slowly pulled his hand back as the two of them stared at their friends.  "We have been looking for you guys and here you are being lovey-dovey," Soonyoung started with an oh-so-innocent face. His boyfriend chuckled at his opening. "Let's ride the roller coaster!" he suddenly said enthusiastically, contrasting to the previous mood he went in with just now. Wonwoo and Mingyu exchanged glances, before smirking and standing up.

"Let's go!" both of them shouted.

And thus the adventure began for the four friends, screaming their lungs out full of joy and happiness. Wonwoo might be physically exhausted. Mingyu might have lots of thoughts. Same with Jihoon and Soonyoung, they might have something, their own business. But for now, they decided to let it go for a while, to forget all of the burdens, to push aside anything that would get in the way of their fun. They had to be reminded how invaluable their bonds were and to create as much as possible beautiful memories while they could was something they should choose to do.

In the end, Soonyoung was the only one with lots of energy left, being as alive as ever, not showing any kind of fatigue and dizziness. The other three friends decided to take rest as they already gave up on the rides, letting Soonyoung ride whatever he wanted all by his own. The cheeky boy didn't protest--he lived his way of life. Live like Soonyoung.

For a moment, did not they care about what might future gave them. They just knew they were happy, spending time together in their free time as much as possible, with the best of friends people would always wish for. And for both Mingyu and Wonwoo, they knew that day was one of the happiest day in their life, as they could see each other's wide and refreshing smiles and laughs for a very long time.

Indeed a day worth keeping as a memory.


Wonwoo's secret is slowly being revealed and the story is going to an end 😏 Oops, no, kidding. Well maybe not. Who knows. Thank you so much my reader commenter voter babies who support me so much I'm reallt glad I have you guys uWu ❣ See you another time around 😚💖

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