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"Okay, now let us advance to the passage on page 52," Teacher Hwang announced in front of the class. It was yet another cheerful English class with the one-and-only American teacher, Teacher Hwang. As her voice echoed the room, the students were busy flipping the pages back and forth: some directly got to 52, some scrolled through the page agressively, some even took the time to look at the table of contents to perhaps see what it was.

But the same couldn't be said to Mingyu. As Teacher Hwang continued to talk about the subject, he kept still in his seat head facing down on the book pretending to read or whatsoever. Yet in truth, he was in a daydream, in a land full of rainbows and unicorns. It had been three days since the beautiful occurrence, the most beautiful event that had happened in his life, full of honesty. And his head kept replaying that very moment.


Mingyu woke up to a muffled sound of music coming from beneath Wonwoo's pillow, or from what it seemed like it. He turned around in his position, thinking that they were sleeping with backs facing eact other, but immediately had his heart racing as he was met with Wonwoo's sleeping face--beautiful sleeping face. Mingyu hesitated to tell him that it was his alarm ringing beneath his pillow as he assumed the older was really exhausted.

'I don't wanna cry.' The music which was set as Wonwoo's alarm started with a low, deep, raspy voice of someone singing, which sounded oddly familiar to him. 'I don't wanna cry.' It repeated once again.

Decided not to let the alarm bother everyone else, Mingyu sneaked his hands slowly under Wonwoo's pillow, carefully pulling the phone with fingers covering the speaker as the song continued with the same voice.'Because I love you, because the words I love you isn't enough, no matter what I say.'

"Gyu?" Mingyu was startled greatly as he heard Wonwoo's waking up voice, which was super deep, as he turned off the alarm.

"W-Wonwoo, I'm just turning off the a-alarm," he said handing the phone back near his pillow. And out of his realization, his face was close to his again, but now Wonwoo's had his eyes opened.

Wonwoo chuckled lightly at the younger's reaction. "Well, looks like we have a lion here," Wonwoo said as he reached out his hand to ruffle Mingyu's bed hair. Mingyu always had this trouble with his hair every single time he slept; no matter if the sleep was messy or not, his hair got chaotic.

Blush crept up into Mingyu's face but the scarce light in the room saved him. Still, he quickly sat up and combed his hair with his fingers, thinking that he might burst if he kept that position any longer. "U-uhh, I will brush my teeth and wash up first," Mingyu said, going to his bag, using his touching sense and memory to take the tools he put there just last night. Both of them didn't forget their plan last night: to see the sunrise. So as Mingyu went out of the room, Wonwoo followed to use another bathroom, and soon, they were already ready to go, standing by the front door.

Under the still dark sky, they started to walk out, passing the leftovers of last night campfire, stroke by the cold wind passing through. They wore their jakcets so it might be safe to say they were protected, yet the chill might be too much, especially for Wonwoo who was never good with colds. Both of them had their hands in their pockets to help keeping the warmth. Wonwoo led the way, using the main road, going uphills.

"Wonwoo," Mingyu called as he followed. Wonwoo hummed, sparing a look back at him. The street lamps helped them to see each other. "I wonder what song that was you set as your alarm. Why does the voice sound familiar to me?"

"Oh," Wonwoo answered. "It's Jihoon's self-composed song from last semester I guess?"

That was Jihoon's song? It was no joke, Mingyu liked the song even just from the first listen. And that song was composed solely by one of his close friends? Truly fascinating. But Jihoon's voice didn't sound like those starting parts at all. "Who sang the first 'I don't wanna cry'-s, though? I thought I have heard those voices somewhere."

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