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Mingyu finally arrived home, fortunately, to his favor, the bus arrived at the shelter soon as he reached it after running away from the two older boys. Throughout the whole ride, he just stared blankly outside the window, heart shattering yet lips were hardly bitten so that he didn't cry. He was really ready to break down at any moment. His eyes were ready to surge out lots of tears. Oftentimes, he would breath so soundily to make himself steady.

It hurt. It really did.

Soon as he arrived home, he took his shoes off and greeted his parents who were watching TV in the living room. Surprised, Mrs. Kim looked at his son noticing the blue expression on his face; it was indeed gloomy and sorrowful, but she couldn't understand what it was just from his look. "I thought you're going out with Wonwoo?" she asked.

Mingyu just kept walking, ignoring the question until he reached the bottom of stairs, stopping in his track. "He suddenly had things to do, Mom," he answered. And without waiting for a response from his mother, Mingyu quickly stepped up the stairs as he felt tears started to occupy his eyes. The more the time was ticking, the more hurt it got.

He got inside his room and checked his phone, which had vibrated for numerous times since his bus ride. Wonwoo. All Wonwoo. He flooded him with texts Mingyu would never want to read. He felt betrayed, end of discussion.

"What am I even thinking?" he asked himself rhetorically before snorting at how naive he had been. He threw his phone onto his desk and sat at the edge of his bed, eyes staring mindlessly at the cold floor beneath his feet.

A few seconds of silence, Mingyu finally broke down, unable to hold it in anymore. He soon had his fact buried on his palms, bawling his eyes out with shattered heart.

"Why?!" he asked between his loud sobs. "Just why?!"

He kept asking and asking as the very image of Wonwoo kissing Seungcheol went back into his head. Betrayal? He really thought Wonwoo returned his feelings, solemnly meaning that he weren't keeping feelings anymore at the oldest. But now, what just happened? Why was Mingyu even invited to go with him? Was it to shove the fact on his face, that Seungcheol was the one for Wonwoo?

But what about the confession? What about the sweet cheesy words? What about holding each other's hands in a romantic manner? What about the kiss? Kiss did happen, but not with him.

Mingyu couldn't think about anything anymore. He just cried and cried, not noticing how many times his mother already knocked his door. He started to let out weak whimpers of sorrow, lips shaking badly from all the crying, nose running. Even just from a few minutes of crying, his eyes already turned blood-shot. It was too much for him. All too much. Never had knew in some parts of his life he would experience something like this, or at least, not this soon.

'Has it been only a game for him?'

'Is he just toying with me?'

'I'm too naive and stupid, right?'

'Haha what am I thinking?'

'Confession what? I like you too what? Bullshit. A fucking bullshit.'

'I hate you.'

'Thanks for breaking me.'

Because it was the truth now. To Mingyu, Wonwoo was someone so special, who always made him happy, who always sent him to the land of cotton candy trees every time he made his heart flutter. Now, it was all just past. Mingyu was indeed broken, every time the image was back, his heart sunk even more, his tears streamed down even more. He started to cry on his elbow as he gradually lost control of himself, biting the very sleeve of his shirt in frustration and anger.

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