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"Gyu, wake up, why are you here?"

Mingyu woke up to the soft voice of a woman. He blinked hard soon as he found it was hard to open his eyes; finally regaining his sense, he woke up seeing his mother gently shaking his body. Mingyu looked around; it was still dark, probably still before dawn. His mother usually woke up at this hour to prepare for breakfast and do some cleanings, especially during weekdays, where Mingyu should be going to school and his father should be off to his office since early in the morning.

"Why are you sleeping on the couch, Gyu? More importantly, downstairs?" she asked again. Mingyu remembered it perfectly, how he ended up sleeping here.


"Won, it's okay, I'm here," Mingyu still muttered lots of comforting sentences as the older kept crying now on his shoulder, letting out quiet whimpers and sobs in which sadness was adorned. "It's okay," again, he said that. He never saw the older this fragile; even more than those times he accidentally grabbed his wrists. He was like a glass bead now; easily broken even with just one touch.

"Let me take you back home?" Mingyu offered. The older immediately shook his head harshly, rubbing his hair along Mingyu's now wet T-shirt, making it became even colder for him. He couldn't tell how many tears of the older had dripped into his shirt; or he didn't care as much as he could comfort him. About the heartbreak, he tried so much to disregard it, even though it still hurt.

"Then, perhaps let me take you to my house?" Mingyu offered, again, trying not to pry any further as to why the older didn't want to go back home. Wonwoo stayed quiet to the offer and Mingyu took it as a yes. So, he carefully tried to stood up, positioned the older right, and fixed his coat. Soon as he tried to help the older stand up, he just realized Wonwoo wasn't even wearing any shoe; that explained why he was terribly cold. Mingyu took off his shoes and placed it under Wonwoo's feet, who was about to step off from the bench, leaving him with just his socks. "Wear them, Won," he said, and Wonwoo didn't hesitate to follow the younger's request. Although it was too big, indeed it was warm, and it made Wonwoo feel a little bit better.

Mingyu helped Wonwoo walk to his parked motorcycle, arms still circled around the older's shaking shoulders. He was really weak that Mingyu thought one second of letting him go, the older would just fall onto the ground helplessly. "Okay, Won, wait," Mingyu said, releasing his grip on Wonwoo and told him to hold his ground as he prepared the motorcycle. Soon Wonwoo weakly got on the passanger's seat and wrapped his arms around Mingyu's torso tightly, face buried on his back. Mingyu held the older's hand on his side for a bit before igniting the engine and drove away.

The ride was silent, and extremely cold for Mingyu who was struck by the night wind directly. But as it was for Wonwoo, he fought it, even when his arms were already shaking. Lucky for them, their location was quite safe, so Mingyu didn't have to drive so mad to stay away from some unexpected criminals. Streetlights still filled the side of the road and there was still a shop or two running. He drove just at the right pace; he was cold in the first place, so driving fast wasn't a good idea.

As they got closer to Mingyu's house, Mingyu slowed down, now able to ride the motorcycle one-handed. His other free hand went back to hold Wonwoo's hand, making a gesture of comfort. The terrorized look Mingyu got from looking at his eyes earlier still was lingering in his head and it scared him so much. What actually happened, he still didn't know, but for now his priority was to take Wonwoo where he would feel safe.

"Here we are," Mingyu said, parking his motorcycle and taking off his helmet. After a few good seconds, he still didn't get any reply. "Won?"

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