Day 355

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Day 355

11 days. I sat up quickly in my bed and rubbed my eyes. The year had gone by so quickly! In fact, I couldn't really remember much of what had happened. I tried to think of all that had happened but it seemed like it was all fuzzy. The last thing that I remember, was doing some obstacle course thing. A memory flashed through my head. It was me and Emily kissing. I couldn't quite figure out where it had happened.

Realization set in and I rolled out of bed quickly. I only had eleven days including this one to live. My brain seemed to chant the number eleven over and over as if taunting me that I was going to die so soon. 

I forced myself to stop thinking about it. I felt fine and the whole thing where you would die in exactly one year seemed to odd to actually happen. I showered and after getting dressed, I headed downstairs. 

It was near breakfast time so I headed to the cafe. I grabbed my oatmeal and toast and headed to the usual table that Tim, Charles, and Emily and I usually would sit at. I was half-way through my bowl when the others showed up.

"Wow, Max, you're awake!" Emily looked surprised to see me.

"Um, yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, it's just that I thought you would be sleeping in today on account of yesterday and everything."


I tried to remember what had happened but I just couldn't remember anything.

"Yeah, the whole fight and everything," Charles answered.

"We were all pretty tired!" Tim added.

I looked at them all quizzically.

"What happened yesterday? What fight?"

"You don't remember?" Emily asked with wide eyes.

"Um, no...."

"Wow, I guess you were hit on the head a lot harder than we thought!" Charles laughed.

"Wait, so what happened?"

"Basically we had a huge fight with a mute army and you used your powers to stop them but kinda got hit in the head by one of the mutes in the process," explained Emily.

"What? Really? How come I used my powers in front of the squadron?"

Emily stiffened.

"You don't remember?"

"Remember what?"

"The rest of the squadron is dead," Tim said quietly, "we were the only ones yesterday."

My mouth dropped open. How could they be dead? Suddenly a random memory flashed through my head. It was of me and the rest of the squadron somewhere fighting off some mutated dogs. They were vicious looking things with bodies as large as horses.

They all had vicious looking fangs and powerful legs. Spikes protruded from their back and ran all the way up the the tail. We had thought that there were only a small group of them but it had turned out that there were hundreds of them.They had joined together into one large group and it had proved too much for our small squadron of fighters.

I remembered Tim, Charles, and Emily jumping in a truck and me fighting off the dogs, using my super strength. I saw myself jump into the back of the truck and watch the dogs eat the other team members alive while we sped away.

"So, what's the plan for today? Sergeant Walker is probably going to make us do the obstacle course."

"Oh, no, the sergeant gave us the day off because of how well we did yesterday." Charles said, obviously relieved.

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