Chapter 14 : Day 17 - A trip down the memory lane of Sati

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Outside the gates in white Ambassador Kanwar Singh is sitting on front seat with Joshi on driver's seat and Padmini at the back seat waiting for Dadisa and the girls. Behind the Ambassador is White Rolls Royce with Rudra on wheels.

One black Ambassador is parked in front of Joshi's car and the other black Ambassador behind Rudra's car. Both these black Ambassadors is occupied by five built men in each car who wore dark khakee green jumpsuits.

Kanwar Singh rests is elbow on the window checking the wrist watch showing 9.05 am, "Tchh,  what's taking them long when they are ready to go."

He turns his face to spot Dadisa walking down the stairs along with Rati while Sati lagging behind. When they walk out of the gates Joshi and Rudra step down at same time to open the car doors. Dadisa enters the Ambassador while Rati and Sati take their seats in White Rolls Royce.

The car ahead of Joshi's car starts the engine to lead ahead, second Joshi's car follwing, the next Rudra's car and finally the last car all aligned and moving in a line.

While enroute to their drive Rati clears her throat speaking, "Guess our in-laws will be attending the memorial havan."

Rudra scoffs, "Your husband will also be present along with them."

Rati blushes, "Drive."

She moves her face sideways to Sati who's looking outside the window. Rudra looks over to her face from rear view mirror.

They reach reach the temple within an hour.

Kanwar Singh, Padminiji and Dadisa are helped stepping out of car by Joshi opening their doors. Rudra walks to open the door of Sati but she already steps out, he jogs to Rati's door and opens letting her step down from the car.

Kanwar Singh instructs, "Joshi you along with three walk with us upstairs while Rudra along with rest of men guard down."

Rudra nods yes, while Kanwar Singh starts ascending the stairs followed by Padmini helping Dadisa to clim holding her hands. Rati walks calmly with excitement in her eyes unlike Sati advancing the stairs stiffly. Joshi and the guards trailing them.

They reach the top of temple which is twenty feet above ground level. Sati eyes scan the white marble space surrounded by marble columns in square shape which is extended down the stairs. The main temple tower is of typical Nagara style with a red coloured flag 'OM' written on it hoisted at the top.

There is a marble Shivling inside the main temple. Two pandits are sitting beside the small square column they made of red bricks and wood inside. Kanwar Singh instructs the pandits to start the havan rituals.

Kanwar Singh and Padmini sit in front of the brick column starting the fire in it with pandits chanting mantras and Kanwar Singh and Padmini pouring ghee in it.

Sati, Rati and Dadisa sit adjacent to Kanwar Singh facing the shivling while Joshi and the bodyguards standing at the back. Minutes later after the rituals start they are joined by Jaiwant Singh, Sitaradevi and Rajveer Singh. They sit behind the pandits.

An hour later the rituals are complete when all rise offering their prayers in front of shivling and havan. Sati and Rati bend down touching the feet of Jaiwant Singh and Sitaradevi. Rati's eyes steals glances at Rajveer Singh and him doing the same.

Jaiwant Singh departs with his family few moments later and Kanwar Singh stating, "We have finished here let's head back." They leave as per their previous sitting arrangements in the car.

When the car starts Sati asks, "Jiji this is where my parents died isn't it?"

Rati's voice is low like a whisper, "Yes."

Sati in a despair tone, "I could feel them here."

She looks from the window as the temple moves away from her due to distance increasing. She turns to Rati, "You came here every year on Jeesa's death anniversary?"

Rati nods yes replying, "Hmmm Sati. Jeesa always did the havan on kakosa and kakisa's death anniversary for their soul's peace."

Rudra eyes the foggy look on Sati's face trying to speak when she says, "This temple is accessible to many people staying around and on daily basis, why there were no people that day to save my parents?"

Rati lips curls while Rudra keeping his eyes on road. They reach the palace at late noon, setting their foot at lunch placed on the table.

Kanwar Singh starts the conversation, "Sati, do you wish do something for your parents today?"

Sati reverts, "I plan on going to my college."

Kanwar Singh swiftly questions, "Why would you go to your college now? Aren't you done with your studies?"

Sati calmly, "Babosa I wanted to meet my teachers regarding my results. Also every year on Jeesa's death anniversary I used to donate food and supplies to the orphanage my college sponsors. So I wish to do the same this year."

Kanwar Singh taking the bite of the curry, "It will take 4-5 days to come back."

Sati promptly says, "I can leave in two hours."

Dadisa cutting in, "You will be accompanied by Rati and Rudra."

Sati's eyes turns fast towards Dadisa's face then cooly answers with a nod, "Okay."

Padmini's face turns hostile to Dadisa's approval for Sati's demand.

Kanwar Singh notes the expression of Padmini's face then speaks facing Sati, "I will talk to Rudra while you go prepare your luggage."

Rati rises from her seat controlling her eagerness for this trip and unaware of the irony surrounding her. Rati drags Sati from her seat towards their room. Kanwar Singh calmly, "Did you know about...."

Dadisa cuts him, "She spoke regarding this when she came to my room earlier in morning before we were leaving for Shiv temple."

Kanwar Singh expresses, "Maasa how could you easily let her go. Did you forget what happened yesterday?"

Dadisa looks the other way saying, "Kanwar forewarn Rudra if anything happens to Sati on this  peregrination he personally has to face and report me."

Kanwar Singh clenches his teeth then loosens replying, "Yes Maasa."

An hour later Rudra starts his engine with Sati and Rati sitting at back seat. Rati waves bye to Kanwar Singh, Padmini and Dadisa while the black Ambassador starts to roll on the road. Rudra drives the car till sunsets and continues till the night darkens.

The next day Rudra steers the car whole noon, then evening and the whole night with few stops for filling the gas, food and for comfort stations till they reach their destination the next day at late morning.

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