END Chapter 21: The evil will always last

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Lol i was typing the chapter and the number next to it, then i just suddenly said:

What's 9 + 10? 21!!

But forgetting that, as i said in the previous chapter, THIS BOOK WILL OFFICIALLY END. YEP. I am really losing my head in this because i get major writer's block. Anyways, on with the chapter, yah?

And it may seem short....very....i think? Sorry bout that.

It's been great knowing you guys, all the way from book 1! I thank you for all the reads and comments and votes, it made me happy. THANK YOU! :)

~Grace xxxx


Chapter 21: The evil will always last


As the rain came down heavily outside my window, i sighed and rest my head against the condensed glass. Natsu and Annie had left for the guild not too long ago. I wonder if they were caught by the rain?

I could hear the rain splatter on the pavement, as people walked up and down with umbrellas. I like rainy days. They're nice, because they make me sit down and remember things.

Strange, right?

I thought back to how all the trouble with Lisanna began, all her misunderstood deeds and stuff. My face screwed up at the flashback of the war between her boss and Fairy Tail. We still won, though.

And then to the part where Natsu saved me, and then i was unsconscious for three days. Being totally different! I also laughed when i had died, giving birth to Annie, and now i was....uh....resurrected?

"I have had a long journey." i muttered, opening a box and revealing all my letters to my mother.


"Papa!" yelled Annie, as rain hit her face. I pulled out my umbrella and shaded the both of us. Walking to the guild was fun, but Annie was being very troublesome. She thought that jumping in the puddles were nice and ruined my white pants.... And they were cotton too.

"Uncle Gray gonna laugh!" she giggled. I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks to you." i said, holding her hand and swam through the crowd...not in the water for swam but swam in the people....? Just forget it.

As we entered the guild, a heavy wind blew as rain splattered on Gray's face.

"You did that on purpose!" he said.

"Uh, no, it's probably Juvia's fault." i said, putting the blame on the poor girl. Gray got ticked off.


"My my, having fun in this weather, are we?" laughed Mira, as i watch Annie beg me to go outside in the rain in the guild's court. I didn't want to let her go, Lucy would stab me and fry me. And eat me.

"Unless you can help me, that is." i said.

"Papa! PWEASSSEEEE!" begged Annie. i sighed.

"Mama will kill Papa if that happens. Wait for her to come, okay?" i said. She pouted. Aww, she looks just like Lucy when she does that. I sat there, laughing at her mumble her sorrows away near Wendy.

"ICE BREATH?!" I yelled. Gray, upon hearing his name, sped up in front my face.

"What you idi-----BWAHAHAHA LOOK AT YOUR PANTS." He bawled. I facepalmed. Why did i have to call him? Now he's going to fuss over my pants. My once, white clean spotless pants. I maybe an idiot but these pants always stay clean, let me tell you.

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