Chapter 17: Spreading worries

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I am sorry i took an extra week to update. I'm glad you waited, see last week, i was up till midnight for a lot of things so..... yeah. Sorry!

So i mentioned it before, right? This book will be coming to an end shortly. I believe the series will as well. So, to add a little excitement there is one more thing here (Lucy missing) before their marriage. Okay? So when it's getting close to the really close....i'll be sure to tell you guys!



Chapter 17: Spreading worries


"What do you want?" i asked, as i narrowed my eyes at the two people. I was standing somewhere in Magnolia, late at night, and two people in front of me. I have a pretty good idea why they were here.

"Well....we just wanted to say good bye." said the girl. I laughed.

"I know, but isn't it too quick? Can't you guys like....still be here or something?" i asked.

"The world isn't that simple. But, before we go we had to say hello one last time. You know?" said the boy. I sadly sighed. I looked up to them, the moonlight shone on their all-too familiar and contrasting hair color.

"Do you you mind if we are there tomorrow? You know what i mean." said the girl.

"I was actually thinking about it."

"Well come with us, please? We want to plan something and we need your help." said the boy, ruffling my hair up. I raised an eyebrow.

"Sure, no problem!" i smiled.

The two figures followed me in the great city of Magnolia. The morning sun shone on us and burnt us like eggs. I was pretty sure we would turn to ash. That girl behind me sure is lucky, she is never affected by the heat.

"Okay, so after this, we'll go to the guild." i informed. They nodded their heads.

At about midday, all three of us walked up to Fairy Tail. I smiled at them, and they pulled their cloaks and hoods closer to their bodies. We entered the building.

"LUCY!" exclaimed a voice. Natsu glomped me, embracing me like there was no tomorrow.

"MOMMY!" exclaimed a squeaky voice, and Annie embraced my foot like there was no tomorrow.

Like father, like daughter.

"Where were you?" asked Mira, "Natsu had been rampaging all around town!"

"Sorry, i was busy preparing for a big surprise." i said, before all eyes turned to the hooded figures behind me. They glanced at each other. They removed their hoods and gasps were heard all alover the guild.

"Y-You're!" exclaimed Natsu.


"Still noisy as always, i see." said Luke, before kneeling down to Annie's height and patting her head while she laughed.

"This is Droia, remember i told you guys about her?" i asked, before a light bulb appeared over their heads. She waved them.

"What are you guys doing here?" exclaimed Natsu. A solemn look came across my face, but i smiled nevertheless. I held Luke's and Droia's hands.

"They're leaving for good. They won't be like Loke and the others, they will be closer to Spirit King, more like the Spirit World's guardians. They won't be allowed to make contact with the human world, excepting certain conditions." i explained.

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