Chapter 12: Mira's plans; A shocking confession!

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Hola! So sadly, although i'm a bit late on this, school is up. But it is not that bad......mainly because we're a bit closer to the canteen. The class is smaller than the last, but anyways. Well actually, we had to switch classes. -__-

Putting my troubles aside, i bet you all must be wondering.....who confesses what?! Lol you can find that out if you read on. :)

Oh yes, before i forget, i have to say...this chapter is dedicated to @Salmonstar. She is really a good supporter, let me tell you. She is just amazing, really!  :)



Chapter 12: Mira's Plans; A shocking confession!


Natsu, Happy, Annie and i walked into the guild, expecting a cheery, drunk and exciting atmosphere like normal.....but that was not what we got. Everyone was silent, no, listening to someone. And i have a pretty good guess at who they're paying attention to.

"Oh Lucy-san! Natsu-san! Good morning Ann! And Happy!" greeted Mira, as she waved at us motioning for us all to hurry and sit down or something. I began to feel awkward, until we sat with Erza, Gray, Wendy and Charle.

"What's going on?" i whispered to Erza.

"You'll see." she said, as Mira stood in front.

"Yosh, now that everyone is here, i would like to share with you the plans that were made for Lucy and Natsu's wedding!" she announced, nearly making me fall off my chair and Natsu choking on his chicken.

Yes, in less that a few seconds we sat down he already found a piece of chicken to nimble on.

"Wait wait wait, i thought you were joking! This is too fast!" i exclaimed. Everyone gawked at me in horror.


"Tsk tsk tsk, Lucy-san." began Mira, shaking her index finger at me, "You should have thought better."

I sat back down in utter defeat. Of course. How was i so stupid to think she was not serious? Natsu laughed at me.

"Lucy's a baka~" he sang. I sweat-dropped.

"I do not want to be hearing that from someone like you." i retorted, causing him to laugh harder.

"Okay okay! Listen up! First of all, the colors of the wedding! I have decided,  light pink and  white! And Lucy's and Natsu's flowers to be white and pale yellow!" she exclaimed. Everyone stared at her.

"What kind of combination is that?!" exclaimed Cana.

"Where did you come up with pink and yellow?" i asked. Mira looked at me if i was stupid.

"Duh, yellow for your hair and pink for Natsu's!"


"Salmon, same thing." she said, shrugging off Natsu's glare. I giggled and poked Natsu's cheek. He glared at me.

"Who's the idiot now?" i asked. He pouted. I felt a tug on my shirt and i looked down.

"Ne ne, what are they talking about?" asked Annie.

"Oh yeah that's right, i forgot. Mira-san is troubling us about our marriage." i explained, pointing to Natsu and I. Annie began laughing immediately and i raised an eyebrow at her behaviour.

"Aunty Mira's crazy!" she laughed.

"Okay kids! We're not done yet! I was thinking that Natsu's best man should be Gray!" called out Mira. Everyone's jaws dropped to the floor. Natsu and Gray's eyes widened in complete horror, before they both stared at each other.

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