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Cale and I sat in silence as Doctor Fredrick finished explaining everything. Drugged from GHB. Just enough of a dose to cause short term amnesia and what happened when I got to Cale's office.

Once again Fredrick told me I should seek medical attention, but I didn't want to. I couldn't bring myself to walk into a hospital and be poked and prodded. Cale thanked him for rushing the order and being a friend and then he hung up.

Cale seemed nervous to approach me, but he did. He didn't say anything. He just sat next to me and held my hand. I leaned against his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. He kissed my head and then my hand.

"Bunny . . ."

"Don't," he seemed to understand and he rested his head against mine. It was like someone had put my brain on pause and I wasn't sure I wanted to press play. I was sure Xander had drugged me. Those papers gave me evidence enough of that, but I couldn't remember how or why or anything and it was driving me insane.


"I don't want to go home," I didn't want Mer and Lu knowing about this. Not yet anyway.

"What are you going to tell them?"

"That I'm staying with a friend from the club. They don't know anyone from there, so they won't ask too many questions,"

"Who are you going to stay with?"

I looked up at him and he nodded, "We can leave your car here for tonight and we can pick it up in the morning,"


"Call them. I'll get my stuff into the car," he handed me my phone and I stared at it for a minute before dialing.

"Hello, you've reached Lu of Lulu's Diner. If you're calling about a reservation, please hang up and—"

I waited for the beep and told Lu's voicemail what was going on. For once, I wished she had her phone on her while she was cooking. I wanted her to know her little boy was okay. Or at least I would be.

I dialed Mer's phone next, "Hey, Sweetie. Are you on your way home? Lu is coming with a pie from work. Your favorite!"

"I'm not coming home,"

"Oh," I could already sense the worry in her tone, "Owen? Did something happen? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, Mer. I just want to spend the night with a friend from the club. Gotta keep my friends updated, you know. Anyway, I'll be back in the morning,"

"Are you sure you're alright, sweetie?"

"No," my voice broke and I started crying.

"Owen! What's wrong? What happened?"

"Everything! I don't know what to do, Ma. I don't know how to handle this,"

"I know. I know it's difficult, especially for someone your age and all. I wish I knew how to help you more, sweetie. Why don't you come home tonight and you can spend another night with your friends,"

"I'm sorry, Ma. I really need this night with my friends. I promise we can share pie in the morning,"

"Alright. I won't press you tonight, but you will spill everything tomorrow, Mister,"

"Yes, Ma. I love you,"

"I love you too, Sweetie,"

"Owen." I looked up and rubbed my eyes.

"Do you want to go to your apartment or mine?"

"Yours, please,"

"Okay. Come on, I've got everything in the car,"

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