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Against my better judgement, Samantha and Ken coerced me into showing up at the club tonight. Maybe they could sense my higher than normal stress levels because before I could even get comfortable in my usual armchair, they shoved a rum and coke in my hands. I tried to relax, but it was hard in the tux I was wearing. Because I came straight from work, I didn't have a change of clothes until Daniel arrived.

I downed my rum and coke quickly, needing the calmness of alcohol to rid me of my stressful day.

What had started out as an okay day went downhill the moment I received a call from Meredith at eight. All I had wanted was a day of peace to myself to wallow in birthday pity, but when Meredith said I was needed at the office immediately, I had forced myself to get thrown into work. Two cases relating to car accidents and an attempted murder were thrown onto my desk.

Not one single happy birthday either. Except for Meredith. She made me eat half a cupcake with her. Carrot cake with a whipped cream cheese frosting. I wish I had another one. Maybe I would ask her for some more.

During my lunch break, I did receive a phone call from my mother letting me know her and my father were in Barbados for two weeks. No, happy birthday. No, asking how I was. I suppose I was used to it at this point, but it still irked me.

After downing my third rum, I decided it would probably be a good idea to drink a soda or water so I could drive home properly. I stalked towards the bar instead of waiting for the floating bartenders. I sat down on one of the stools and rubbed my eyes.

"Can I get you something, Sir?" I looked up and saw Ryan.

"Ginger ale with a lime," Ryan nodded and left quickly. I turned to the dance floor to see if there was a potential sub for the night.

"Zade, no! Watch out!" I had just enough time to turn before I was drenched in what smelled like a Cabernet.

My temper exploded. I cleared the drink from my eyes and lunged at the bartender. He didn't have a chance to move before I had a hand gripped around his shirt.

My anger faltered as I took in who I was gripping. It was the boy from before, the little bunny. Owen.

"I-I am sorry, Sir. It was an accident, I-I didn't mean to ruin your suit," he rambled and as I let go of his shirt, he shrank away from me quickly.

"Shit, Owen. Oh, oh no," my glare reached Ryan who stood frozen with my ginger ale in his hands. My gaze shifted back to Owen.

"It was an accident? You're sorry? Are you aware this is a three-thousand dollar suit?" I knew I was being ridiculous. I could afford a new suit, but this was the cherry on top of my fucked up birthday and I wanted compensation.

"Owen, you hit the panic button? What happened?" Daniel was standing behind me and as I turned around, his mouth formed an 'o'

"He spilled a drink as you can obviously tell which has effectively ruined my suit. I think a punishment is in order," I said through gritted teeth.

"Cale, don't you think that's a little absurd-"

"No. He's new. He needs to learn what happens when he fucks up. He gets a punishment,"

"Fine. But you can give it to him and if I find out you gave him a punishment he can't handle, you will be escorted out, permanently,"

I knew that tone and I nodded curtly before turning to Owen. His face almost made me stop. He looked like a poor deer in headlights.

"How long have you been without a band?"

"I-Um. This would be my second night, Sir,"

"Stay. Here. I'm going to change and then I will deliver your punishment," I turned to Daniel.

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