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When we got outside, Cale stopped me on the top of the stairs and hugged me.

I missed you," I said softly, enjoying his tight grip around me.

Even just saying it didn't feel right. I missed him, of course. But there was other stuff. I missed his sharp tone. I missed his impeccably crisp shirts. I missed his prowess and his ability to turn everything sexual. I missed his voice. I could go on, but it just wouldn't be enough.

Cale seemed to understand because he latched himself tighter to me and right there, on the courthouse stairs, he kissed me and I swear if his arms hadn't been around me, I would have been a puddle. I could hear chatter coming from around the corner and I pushed him away. I didn't need my moms finding out about us like that. He cleared his throat and glared at me for a second before looking past me at my moms, Mr. Knight, and Ken.

"You won, sweetie! I just . . . I'm so happy," Mer rushed past me, despite me having my arms open for a hug, and threw her arms around the unsuspecting Cale who froze for a second.

"Thank you! Oh, I don't know how I can thank you! I could kiss you!" Lu wrapped her arm around me and kissed my cheek.

"At least one mom cares about me," I joked and Mer shot me a look from over her shoulder. She released Cale and hugged me, bringing Lu into it as well and it was honestly the most amazing hug. No one could hug like a mom could and thank goodness I have two.

"You get your ass over here and join in this," Lu pointed to Cale who tried to decline, but Lu wasn't having it. She gripped his jacket and both her and Mer squished him into the hug. Our faces were close and I blushed slightly.

"Can I join?" Ken wasn't usually timid. Heck, his bright neon pink tie gave that away, but his voice was soft and he gave us a small smile.

"Okay! Group hug. You join too, Mr. Knight," I wasn't sure when Mr. Knight and Ken had become acquainted with my moms and I wasn't even sure I wanted to know.

Just like Cale, Mr. Knight tried to decline but there was no denying Lu. We were all squished in a huge mess with Cale and me pressed together so certain parts were touching and my face was definitely burning.

When we were finally released, the three men stood away from us and I could understand perfectly.

"Ah, if it's alright, Meredith and Luanne, I'd like to steal Owen for a dinner. Sort of a celebratory sort of thing," Mer and Lu glanced at each other and Mer's grip on my arm tightened a bit.

"I don't know. No offense to you, Mr. Jones, but it's just that you're a little older and—"

"I understand your concern, given all that has occurred. However, I promise I'll be a proper gentleman and this is strictly a business dinner. I'll make sure he gets to his apartment afterward and he will text you to let you know he's home,"

Business dinner my ass. Maybe club business, but definitely not lawyer business. And if anything, the only business we'd get done would be sexual.

I slipped out of my moms' grips and faced them, "I know you're scared. But I'm 22. I can handle a business dinner and I will text you if I need anything,"

Lu nodded and hugged me one more time, "You're right. You're 22. You don't live at home. I can't technically say no. But I swear if you don't call me and tell me you're home, I will kick your behind,"

I hugged them both one more time, said goodbye to both Ken and Mr. Knight, the former telling me he'd call me about my schedule, and headed towards Cale's car.

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