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I was forcing myself to calm down while I waited for Xander. I could handle this. I could have a nice night with my friends and Xander, who genuinely seemed to want me to be better. I just needed an easy night and I would be okay. I hoped.

"Owen?" My eyes focused on the car in front of me and the man inside the car. Xander was frowning at me, but I smiled at him.

"Hi, Xander. Sorry, I spaced out,"

He returned my smile and said, "Don't worry. I've only been here for a few seconds. Get in and we'll head to the club,"

"Thank you for willing to take me and helping push through this,"

"Of course, Owen. I want to be there for you when others may not be. I might be your new boss, but I'd like to be your friend and possibly more if you'll permit it,"

I scratched the back of my neck and laughed nervously, "I appreciate that, Xander,"


"But I don't think I'll be able to start something anytime soon. Cale hurt me too much and I'm a little young for a committed relationship, so it's nice to have a chance to learn,"

"Spoken like someone who just went through a bad breakup. If you ever change your mind and want someone to learn with, I'll be there,"

I didn't say anything and Xander turned up the radio. I grinned and reached for the dial before stopping. This wasn't my car. This wasn't Cale's car.

"Do you want to turn the music down?"

"No! I love this song. I want to turn it up,"

"Hang on. You like Queen?"

"Are you kidding? They're in my top five," I turned the dial to the right and pretended to play the guitar. More than once Xander's eyes trailed from the road to me and if he noticed me looking at him, he didn't say anything, but his grin said everything.

When we got to the club, Xander pulled me to his side as he checked us in.

"Owen, I'm surprised to see you here. I wouldn't have expected you back soon,"

"Oh, well Xander said it would be good for me to have a night out, given what's happened and I think he's right,"

"Did he? Well, because you're on probation, no alcohol and you're not allowed to mingle,"

"That's fine. He's with me anyway, so the only mingling he'll be doing is with me,"

Ken gave a weird smile and let us go, but when I turned around Ken was sneering down on the roster.

Was it because I was with someone else? Was it because I'd hurt someone? I decided that if Ken wanted to be mad at me, I wouldn't worry about it tonight and I'd try to talk to him tomorrow.

"Owen!" Someone wrapped their arms around me and I recognized the voice as Annie. Her Mistress, Sam, stood behind her with her arms crossed and a small frown on her face.

"Hi, Annie. Er, hello Mistress Samantha," Annie let go of me and seemed to notice who I was with.

"H–Hello, Master Xander,"

"Good evening, Miss Annie and Sam,"

Sam gave Xander a strange look, "I thought you were on probation, Owen?"

I slumped and looked down, "Does everyone know about that?"

"Uh, yeah. You hit a Dom, Owen. Most of the people are surprised you weren't fired,"

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