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As a lawyer, I tend to notice details that others wouldn't. One of those details happened to be a certain someone avoiding me for a week straight.

Four of those seven days, he was scheduled to be a floating bartender and since every floating bartender is required to stop by the V.I.P. area, I became slightly worried when he didn't make one appearance.

I attempted to ask both Ken and Daniel about it, but Ken was under Daniel's orders and Daniel gave me a sharp look every time I said something.

After the seventh night, I took matters into my hand. At nine in the morning, before I was supposed to head into work, I knocked on his apartment door.

He opened the door half asleep, with his hair tousled about and only a pair of boxer briefs on. He stared at me for few seconds before blushing and closing the door slightly.

"M-Master Cale? How did you know what apartment number I was? What are you doing here?"

"The front desk lady was nice enough to give me the number when I told her I was a friend of yours. She seems to think you don't have friends. I'm here because I became worried. You've been avoiding me,"

He looked aghast, "Would you give me one second," he slammed the door in my face before I could say anything. I checked my watch and sighed, I was going to be late. If meant he was okay, then I suppose being late wouldn't be so bad. Owen opened the door back up and he was wearing a blue knit sweater and a pair of basketball shorts.

"Would you like to come in?" He asked, still blushing. I nodded and stepped past him, letting my hand brush his subtlety.

"It's not much, but I like it. Must be small compared to your house," Owen stood off to the side as I glanced around.

"I don't own a house; I have an apartment outside the city. My work is here so I drive back and forth." I nodded in appreciation, "Actually, I quite like this place. It's cozy and quaint,"

"Thank you, Sir,"

"You can call me Cale, Owen. We aren't at the club. I'm here as a guest, not as your master," I raised my eyebrow and he scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh, um, right about that, I'm sorry again that I called you my Master the other night, I don't know what came over me-" I held up my hand and he silenced quickly.

"There's no issue. I explained that the other night. Besides I was told Zade ran into you and so it wasn't your fault entirely. Therefore, I should apologize to you. It was unfair of me to punish you without knowing everything. I allowed my emotions to control the situation,"

Owen sat down on one of the bar stools and yawned, "Sorry for yawning. I didn't get much sleep last night. I'm also normally not up this early," he laughed lightly and it was the most amazing thing I had heard.

I checked my watch again, I was definitely going to be late, "Why don't you go back to bed and I will make you a nice breakfast?" I started to take off my coat when my phone rang.

"Excuse me just a second," I walked out of the apartment, leaving a foot in the door so I could walk back in.


"Mr. Jones, I have a client here who says you were supposed to meet him at nine-thirty. Should I tell him you aren't coming?"

"Shit. No, just tell him I'll be there in fifteen. Thank you, Meredith,"

I hung up and sighed, I suppose I could take Owen to lunch.

"I'm sorry, Owen, work called and-" I stopped and had to snort. Owen was lying on his arm, sound asleep at the counter.

Indebted to the DominantOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora