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Feeling a heavy weight on my chest woke me up, but knowing it was Owen didn't bother me in the slightest. I looked over at my alarm clock and noticed it was only seven. I didn't technically have to be up for another half hour, but if I actually spent the time to make a small breakfast, I would need that extra half hour.

I, as carefully as possible, moved Owen off my chest and onto my body pillow. That pillow was my guilty pleasure. I loved snuggling up with it at night. Owen snorted in his sleep and clutched at the pillow softly. I chuckled on my way to the kitchen.

Did I even have anything for breakfast? Normally, I just bought something on the way to work or if I had a client, I'd eat breakfast then. I opened the fridge and sighed in relief. There was a carton of eggs, some vegetables, and a few slices of ham. I can make omelets. I opened the freezer and pulled out the bag of tater tots. Omelets and hash browns it is.

As I was flipping the second omelet onto a plate, I could hear the soft padding of feet across the hardwood floors. I turned to give Owen a smile but faltered when I saw what he was wearing. He was wearing my Red Hot Chili Peppers shirt, with one of the sleeves coming off and his boxer shorts.

"Morning. I hope you don't mind. My shirt smelled weird, so I borrowed one of yours. I'll return it next time I see you," my mouth dropped as I noticed the shirt was slightly see-through and I could see his rosy pink nipples peeking through, almost taunting me.

"Cale?" he stepped closer, "You okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine and don't worry about the shirt. It looks good on you," I pushed his plate towards him and handed him a fork.

"Thanks, so what are you up to today?" I shrugged.

"Well, I am going to drop you off at your apartment after I get ready and then I will be heading into to work with all intentions of being distracted by the image of you in my shirt," Owen looked up, his mouth full hashbrowns.

"Oh. Dat sownds wike an ithue," he spit a little hashbrown onto my counter and blushed. I grabbed a napkin and wiped his mouth and the counter.

"Yes, I believe it will be an issue. Maybe you should stop by for a while and entertain me,"

"Maybe I will. Where do you work?"

"I—" I was cut off by my phone ringing in my room. I held up a finger signaling for him to wait.


"Good morning Mr. Jones. There's been a change in Mr. Easterly's court date,"

"And what change is that?"

"It's in two days and it's in Seattle. Apparently, the judge ruled against your proposition to have the trial in Orlando because it's not where Mr. Easterly lives. You're needed in Seattle by tomorrow morning to have a conference with Mr. Easterly. Now, I've booked you a flight for one p.m. today so you should be there by three p.m. their time. I will send the flight information to your phone and the case information to your laptop so you can review it on the plane ride,"

I wanted to throw something, but I tried to keep my anger under wraps so Owen didn't hear. I finally get the boy to be my sub and I have to go away.

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