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I was waiting for Owen outside the courthouse when a car pulled up. The passenger door opened and Ben stepped out. I tensed and scowled as he made his way up the steps.

"Cale," he said with a smug expression and it took everything in me to not grab him and strangle him.

"Ben," I said with gritted teeth as his lawyer came out the doors and ushered Ben inside, giving me a look of disdain.

"Cale!" I turned and smiled at Owen, who was climbing the steps. I tried not to remember seeing him and Xander together a few nights ago. It was lawyer time and I had to be completely here for Owen.

"Was that him?"

I kept quiet, but it seemed to answer his question.

"Come on, Owen. We don't want to be late. Now, I've dealt with this judge before. He's stern but fair. I'm certain that once we provide all the information, he'll see there isn't enough evidence against you and will dismiss the case,"

"What if he doesn't? What do we do then?"

"Then we come up with a damn good argument as to why the hell this is stupid. Hopefully, the judge will allow for a jury,"

"Why are we hopeful for that?"

"Because a jury is many people. If we can win over a majority, you'll be golden,"

I opened the doors and welcomed the air conditioning. It may have been February, but it was just too hot outside for a suit.

When we were finally called into the judge's chambers, Owen gripped my hand tightly for a second. I was surprised, but I didn't say anything. There were four chairs and Ben sat in the middle right one. I directed Owen to the outer left one. No way was this guy getting close to Owen. I sat in between them and noticed Ben slouch a little.

"Case number?"

The guard handed the judge a file, "Case number 248. Summers vs Bales,"

"Ah, yes. Well, gentlemen, welcome. We'll start with Summers and then I'll hear Bales and go from there,"

Mr. Askew cleared his throat and started presenting his client's case and the evidence they had brought and three witnesses as well as a tape for the judge to watch.

"Do you have any arguments for any of the above discussed, Mr. Jones?"

"Yes, your Honor. I ask that Mr. Knight be removed as he was not an actual witness to the event, just of what happened after,"

"How are you aware of this?"

"I had an interview with him a few days ago. I have recordings of all my interviews, including one with my client,"

"I ask that the prosecution view these recordings and then interview the defendant ourselves,"

"Mr. Askew, if you wish to view the recordings, you can do so now in my chambers so I may review them too. Mr. Jones, your request is denied until the tapes have been reviewed,"

I pulled the flash drive out of my suitcase and handed it to the guard who handed it to the judge. After spending almost two hours listening to Ken, Ryan, Daniel, and Zade give all their accounts on what happened, we finally got to Owen and I noticed his leg start to bounce.

"Nervous?" Ben taunted and I shot him a warning look.

"Stop," the judge said and I faced back towards him as he pressed play.

"Whenever, you're ready Mr. Bales. I've pressed record and you can start talking when you want,"

Owen gripped the chair and bowed his head as he had to listen to his story again. Next to me, Ben was smirking and sitting like he didn't have a care in the world. It was aggravating.

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