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I appreciate everyone's patience with me. 

These past few months have been very hectic for me, I've moved again, away from where i was living in Tennessee, My boyfriend and I moved to Arkansas, to get away from everything that was going on here in Tennessee. (Yes I visit my family quite often.) 

My boyfriend, Cameron and I have been trying to work on our relationship and get our lives started. We're looking to get a place together, then I plan on starting school soon, hopefully the classes for E.M.T are still open. Cameron has a good paying job that, makes him happy. :)

 I've been also dealing with the death of someone very close and special too me. She passed away and its been really getting to me lately. But shes not in pain anymore and i'm thankful for that. 

So I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience that I may of cause for not updating sooner.  Hopefully, once everything settles down I can finally sit down and update the book. I HOPE. 

Thanks! -A

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2019 ⏰

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