Chapter 06: Shopping Trip

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Braylen's POV

I stir, and moan. I open my eyes slightly, but flinch because of the light shining through the open windows. I yawn and look around the room, taking a good look at it  and notice I'm in Wyatt's room.

 I yawn and look around the room, taking a good look at it  and notice I'm in Wyatt's room

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Wyatt's Room. ^

This bed is comfy, I think to my self. I giggle and curl into the sheets more. Not wanting to move. I sigh, knowing damn well I'm gunna have to get up. I lazily crawl out of the bed. I move a little to fast and get dizzy.

"LUNA!" I hear someone scream loudly and burst to the door.

My cover my ears and wince at the loudness.

"Ugh, keep it down." I mumble lowly.

A headache starting to form. I look to see where the voice came from. She's a pretty gal, crazy firey red hair, bright green eyes. She's wearing a smile on her face. I return the smile with a tiny smile of my own.

"The Alpha has requested me to take you shopping." she smiles and laughs.

My eyes go wide, I shake my head crazily. I crawl back in bed, and hide under the covers.

"Hell to the fuck no!" I scream loudly.

"Not gunna happen." I crawl on the other side of the bed.

"Fuck him, he can go suck a vampire's dick." I continue shaking my head.

I shake my head and run out of the room into the kitchen screaming loudly.

"Fuck that shit, I'd rather be kidnapped!" I yell, knowing the girl is running behind me.

All of a sudden, I run into a wall. The wall growls a little. Wait, hold up. Walls don't growl. I look up to see Marco. I giggle.

"Hey Marco darling. How are you?" His face morphs into confusion.

The red haired curl behind me starts laughing her ass off, I hear a few more chuckles, and the tiniest growl. I look around me and notice Wyatt, Marco, Red haired girl, another girl, and two other guys. They're all laughing at me.

I pout, and stick out my bottom lip.

"Isn't his name Marco?" I question.

"No, my name is Christopher." He chuckles.

"Oh." my lips turn into an 'o' shape.

"Okay well, I'm calling you Marco anyways." I snap sassily, snapping my finger in a 'z' formation.

He laughs and nods, and walks over to the red-haired girl and kisses her cheek. I smile noticing how her cheeks turn a shade of pink.

"Sunshine." Someone whispers in my ear, and leaves a small kiss on my mark. I blush a crimson red and look up to see Wyatt smirking at me.

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