A/N: Writers Block

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Little A/N: I appreciate every single one of you that are reading my book. It's a slow process with the updates, and for that, I apologize. This is my first time actually writing a book, and I'm not as fast with the updates as I would like to be. I've been super busy with a lot of things, and I'm not at a spot I really have a computer, so just bare with me, when everything settles down, expect them weekly or every other day, not sure how I want to set that up just yet.

Again, if you have ANY comments. PLEASE feel free to let me know if I need to make ANY changes, give me advice. Help me, to where yall want this book to be. I'm writing this book because its fun and I enjoy writing. If you guys want me to add anything or take away anything, again please let me know. I appreciate every one of, you guys. Thank you so much.

Much Love.❤️ -A

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