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new tweet from @armiehammer

@armiehammer yes amara, timmy does in fact have majestic green eyes, i've seen them up close, you should too @marskish

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@user1 armie saw the interview, that means timothee saw the interview omg someone tell me how he reacted pls
@armiehammer timotay was red like a tomaytoo 😉

@RealChalamet arMIE STOP
@marskish aww shuckz you don't want me to see your majestic green eyes up close?
@lucaortiz uh oh you've made her sad timmy boi
@RealChalamet no no that's not what i meant, i'd love to meet you again!
@armiehammer then why stop me you little shit
@EChambers armie languange!
@armiehammer *then why stop me, son
@taliaaj again? he remembers the first and ONLY time they've met, would you look at that
@RealChalamet it be hard 2 forget 🤷🏻‍♂️
@EChambers honey watch out, your crush is showing again

|@RealChalamet arMIE STOP|@marskish aww shuckz you don't want me to see your majestic green eyes up close?|@lucaortiz uh oh you've made her sad timmy boi|@RealChalamet no no that's not what i meant, i'd love to meet you again!|@armiehammer then wh...

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|@user2 this whole thread is confusing me but hey family content how bout it|@g_madison it's confusing me too (actually not really)|@saoirse_ronan @g_madison you know, i know, we know |@taliaaj 😉😉😉|@user2 3 QUEENS REPLIED ME HELP

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@user2 this whole thread is confusing me but hey family content how bout it
@g_madison it's confusing me too (actually not really)
@saoirse_ronan @g_madison you know, i know, we know
@taliaaj 😉😉😉

@lailakishore dude you're right, i have been looking through his photos and he really does have amazing green eyes tf
@lailakishore calm down i just wanted to see what you were banging on about and you're right the gora ladka is cute

@user3 why do i feel like literally everyone else knows what's going on except timmy and amara? cmon guys spill the tea!
@user4 i'm all about this timara initiative they got going on or sumn i mean i could be wrong
@user6 how do i subscribe to this good shitz?


Laila was lazing on the couch in her and Dev's hotel room in Paris. She sat there, her arms crossed and her face in a frown because her beloved fiancé confiscated her phone.

"Keep acting like a child and I'll start treating you like a child." Dev teased her. She didn't mean to expose her little sister like that, she only ever meant for it to be a joke. However sometimes Laila just never knew when the right time for humor was.

Ever since she found out, Laila kept replaying the question of why Amara never told her about that night she met Timothée. Did she not trust her elder sister enough? Did she think that Laila would overreact again? Or was it because Laila was always so protective of Amara? So much so, that she'd start interrogating the next person that walks in on her baby sister's life, as soon as she finds out.

It really isn't just an elder sibling stereotype. Amara was only 5 and Laila 7 when their mother died of illness, and then their father soon after. Since then, the responsibility of looking after Amara weighed upon the elder Kishore. Laila never left her sister's side, no matter the circumstances. She even skipped school on days the babysitter couldn't come over to look after Mara.

The girls had relatives they could depend on yes, but Laila knew that if she did that, sooner or later, their families would be asking for favors in return. Laila never liked helping people just so she could ask them for something in exchange. She always believed that if you decide to give aid, it should be for that purpose only. That's why she decided to bring Amara up all by herself. And she made sure Amara grew up with the same mentality. The girls grew up and went on to start their careers as models at first and while the elder sister succeeded, the younger sister decided to venture into another world, where she was given the choice to be a lover, a villain, a warrior and many more - the film industry.

"Is that why she never tells me anything, anymore?" she thought. "Have I gotten too overprotective?" she thought again.

"Maybe just a smidge?" her beau replied. Laila had been thinking out loud, enough for Dev to realize that the situation had gone from being laughable to serious."Of course, she still trusts you. She just doesn't want you to worry about her. If she would have told you, you'd start stalking the boy and I won't even be surprised if you had invited him over once for dinner." he continued, joining Laila on the sofa. He positioned himself on the opposite end, placing her stretched out legs over his lap and started to massage her feet.

"Yeah, well, that's called basic decency. Just, you know, trying to be nice!" she defended herself. True, Laila always got ahead of herself, acting on things out of her control. But Laila only ever had good intentions, never bad.

"Yes it is a nice gesture but it'll freak the boy out, he barely knows us and he's only met Amara once."

"That's why we invite him for dinner. So he can get to know us. We can get to know him. Duh, genius."

Dev could only chuckle at his fiancée's silly words and her eye roll to match. It was one of the many things he loved about the Kishore sisters - their awkward kindness and their witty retorts. He looked at her endearingly and told her not to worry about Amara.

"It's like you said. If she needs us, she'll know where to find us. She knows we've got her back."

Uncannily, unbeknownst to all of them, Amara would be looking for them soon.

A/N: that last line ssksk drama will definitely ensue later on in this story so stay tuned for that!

timmy and amara won't meet any time soon but they sure as hell will keep in contact! watch out for the blossoming cute romance!

don't forget to vote and comment!



gora ladka - fair/white boy

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