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"You've got yourself a little fan Amara

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"You've got yourself a little fan Amara." Talia snickered as she entered the living room from the kitchen, carrying more snacks than she could hold. She placed herself on the couch with a hungry Luca, who was quickly reaching out for the KitKat bar Talia brought in. Amara, who was sitting cross legged on the floor, was already famished and settled only with a packet of Oreos.

The three friends had just came back from the premiere of Amara's new movie and wanted nothing to do except to lay around in bed and watch reruns of The Big Bang Theory. However, neither of them paid attention to the flickering television in front of them. They all had one thing in their minds; Amara's re-developed crush on Timothée Chalamet.

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about." Amara lied but knew she might as well have told them the truth. They could see right through her. And just as how she telephoned her sister's fiánce in the middle of the night to inform him of her new found crush on the curly haired boy, she gushed it out to Talia, Grace and Luca, the very same night.

As cliché as it sounds, it was no lie. One sight of him was all it took for Amara - she fell hook, line and sinker. The two had met briefly, about a year ago at the annual Governors Award event. They had sat at the same table and spent the night gawking at the other celebrities that were among them. Though she was not new to the industry, unlike Timothée, and had met most of the actors and actresses there, the girl still, could not contain her excitement of being in the same room as them.

But the famous names surrounding her did not catch her attention. That night, Amara could not help but immerse herself in Timothée's eyes that dazzled with amazement. It was like looking at the stars reflected in a sea of green. She found herself constantly looking at him and finding ways to keep the conversation between them going. She felt her stomach tumble and her heart flutter every time he smiled that beautiful smile of his.

It was too soon before the two had to exchange goodbyes. She had never felt such melancholy before. When he bid her the last farewell, with a hug, Amara had to restrain herself from holding on to him and telling him not to leave. That the night was still young and they could go somewhere else until the morning. But the only words she could muster up was "See you around, Timothée."

"Oh come on, Mars. It's been a year. You can't stare at him your whole life." Luca remarked, gobbling his chocolate bar at the same time. The half Italian was always the practical one out of the quartet. He could always grasp the reality of a situation and figure out what can or cannot be done. Most of the time, that means he could be a real stick in the mud but everyone knew that his words mean the truth.

Amara thought she was insane for liking someone she just met. She told herself that these feelings would disappear in a week or so. That this was just what she would call a "kiddy crush". It had been a week, then two, then three. Her "kiddy crush" was still there. She beckoned it to leave but it would not budge. It stayed put in her tiny fragile heart.

"Yes I can, and yes I will." the Indian replied. Amara was never the brave one. That title alone belonged to Grace. Grace had chivalry running through her veins. She could do anything and everything. She was the epitome of a daredevil. She was never afraid to stand up for what's right, never afraid to voice out her opinions and never afraid to tell someone off when they're wrong.

It was in moments like these, Amara felt like she could use some of her friend's bravery. She was no stranger to love. She was an actor that had to repeat lines of romance, as often as she had to. While playing a character, being romantic was an easy feat. But when it came to admitting her real feelings, Amara was downright clueless.

"No you won't and I'm not going to allow you to wallow in self pity for another year. Talk to him, Mara." Talia proposed. The bronze skinned actress always gave the best advice. She was too wise and intelligent for her age and she made sure everyone knew that. Anything Talia tells you to do, you do, because Talia always had everyone's best interest at heart. She would never suggest something that would evidently get them hurt or in a far worse position than they were in before.

"Guys, he was just being nice and supportive. Besides, I don't even have his number, how can I talk to him?" Amara may have mumbled the last few words but her two friends had already heard it. All three of them knew that Amara didn't need to have Timothee's number to talk to him. The world was evolving and there were other means of communication. Luca and Talia glanced knowingly at one another and nodded their heads in discreet. They knew Amara was once again doubting herself and making excuses to back down.

They knew she wouldn't do anything to improve her situation, so they decided to take matters into their own hands. All they needed was a few more helpers to come up with a solid idea and decide on the right time to execute it. 

Author's Note

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Author's Note

Hey, hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! Here's a little backstory to each of the characters! Tell me what you think and who you're most like; Talia, Luca, Grace or Amara?

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