The Fairy Queen's Rage

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They wiped their foreheads due to the heat of the sun. They also left all their gagdets with Vince.

"I'm surprised you can notify Queen Marina." Rinne remarked. …And Natalia isn't here. That's what she thought in her mind.

"Well, I've been around undines my whole childhood, so no wonder about that. I just have to direct my message at the wedt direction." Arianne explained.

They rented a boat where six to nine people can occupy. It's more like a motor boat, though. None of them is willing to paddle all the way to the castle. They all sat down in deathly silence.

"The winds caress my hair… I wonder if you'll be able to caress me with your love too, Arianne?" Arianne imagined Edmund saying his corny and stupid remarks.

"Shut up." she muttered, her head bowed down.

"Ah… look at the birds, Arianne! They are flying so freely. Want me to fly you too?" Arianne continued imagining Edmund in her mind.


"I wonder when Aria and I will get married?"

"I said, stop." she said.

"Arianne, I lo---"

"I SAID STOOOOPPPP!!!" Arianne yelled and clasped her hands and covered her face with it. Rinne quickly sat beside her and hugged her tightly.

"Is something the matter?" she asked. Arianne looked up at her with tears flooding her eyes. They all looked unmoved, like they aren't affected at all. Arianne is sobbing hard and clinging to Rinne.

Rinne hugged her back abd whispered, "We'll bring him back."

They stopped on the beach wgere the front side of the castle is. It seems more creepy and gloomy, with all the rock formations they didn't notice before. They went down the boat and started climbing the rocks. In their shock, they heard different laughs and and talking of women. They saw women with the other half of their bodies a seal.

"What are selkies doing here?" Arianne asked.

"Selkies?" Carl asked.

"Yep. Half-man, half-seal." she said. The selkies looked at Arianne and their face brightened. One of them clung to her.

"Are… you the fairy doctor who opposed the Queen?" she asked. Arianne nodded. "Really? Then, please overthrow that wicked Queen. It is for the good of not only the undines, but also the whole of the Fairy Nation." she said then jumped off the cliff into the sea.

After 15 minutes…

They are clueless.


They have been there, but if they just jump to the sea, they might drown. "Why don't you summon Vislav?" asked Clarence matter-of-factly.

"Easy for you to say," Arianne said. "Vislav is contracted to Natalia. He won't answer my call for sure. He used to come to me whenever I need him, but that's because he's still aspiring to be my fairy guide. But since he found out that Vixen is my guide, he doesn't care anymore." she explained.

"Then why not summon him instead?" Rinne suggested. She quickly realized the answer to her own question. Vixen rarely ever cares about Arianne.

"You go on ahead, Rinne." Carl said.

"No way!" Rinne protested. "I don't want to be apart from Aria!" she said, sticking out her tongue at Carl. He sighed and patted Connor's head. 

Arianne and the others sat down. They all looked depressed and very disappointed, after all the training they've been through, they'll end up just sitting on the cliff. Suddenly, they heard a loud grumble. They looked at the sea under them and saw a large whirlpool forming below them. Even if they are mentally prepared to face danger, it's still different when they are actually facing it.

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