Prologue: Fairy Nation

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At the creation of the universe, God never created demons. He only wished for goodness. However, it can't be helped. Some are turned to demons. However, some are not bad enough to become one. They become fairies.

Fairies are varied to different types. Some are Gnomes or earth fairies, Sylphs, or air fairies, Undines, and Salamanders or fire fairies.

These fairies play a neutral part. They are neither bad nor good, neither demon nor angel. Their job is to interact with humans and the whole of creation.

Fairies are further subdivided to Seelie and Unseelie Courts. These are the two courts led by one queen. It's better to interact with a Seelie fairy though.

There is a hierarchy in a Fairy Nation. Both the Seelie and Unseelie Courts have only one Queen. The Queen may marry any noble, but that man will not be acknowledged as King. They only retain the title. The second is the children of the Queen. Next are the Dukes and Duchesses, who may or may not be blood related to the Queen, but they lead the Seelie and Unseelie. Next are the Marquis, then the Earls. Last of them are the Elementals.




"What happened?!" the merrows are scrambling as they heard their Princess Oceana's scream. They struggled to go to her private chamber because the palace is a complete mess.

When they managed to enter Oceana's private chamber, they saw her sprawled in the sea bed, covered in her own blood. The Sapphire Sword struck on her heart. Her sister, Marina, crying and weeping on her sister's death.

"I saw him..." Marina said. "The Marquis Tudor killed her! Her own husband!" she yelled.

The merrows were in rage as they tried to find the Marquis. He is in the Irish shores, watching the setting sun on the horizon.

"Arrest him!" the Chief of Mer-Knights shouted.

"What? Why? What did I do?!" Alexander Tudor, Marquis of Ripon and husband of Oceana said in alarm.

"Don't play dumb, you bastard! You killed Princess Oceana,our future Queen!" they all cried.

The knights arrested him and drowned him. His body was brought back to the shores, dead. The Sapphire Sword was removed from the possession of the Tudors.

When Alexander's son, George, tried to bring back the sword, he failed. The merrows didn't welcome him even though he carries the blood of their beloved princess.

Fortunately, George already married and had a son, who also tried to retrieve the Sword. He failed too. This cycle continued for centuries. Even merrows who bore their child to a Tudor will be exiled or beheaded, making their child an orphan and a slave to the merrows.

Oceana's mother, Queen Agualin, became depressed and lead to her death. Marina, the twin of Oceana became the new Queen of the Undines.

At the same time, Titania, the first Fairy Queen died of poison. Her only child, named Gwendolyn, was said to have been killed.

Since Gwendolyn governs the moon and the water, particularly the tides, a merrow or selkie should become Fairy Queen. And so, Marina also became the current Fairy Queen, with the name 'Gloriana.'

A/N:This story is set in the Philippines, in one of the rural cities. I'm from the Philippines after all. Heh, I usually write stories set on other countries, but I would like to express my love for my country. XD

Even so, the characters are from Great Britain. XD

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