Golden Hair and Pearl of Wisdom

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Arianne looked at the lake and stared at it. The Lady of the Lake has golden hair that seemed to light up the dark, gloomy lagoon, especially since there is no moon. Her hair is braided in a fish tail and drops to the bottom of the lake. The Lady of the Lake has fair skin tone and bright blue eyes. Her dress is flowing transparent blue but reflects the water's colors, typical of undine spirits. The Lady of the lake stopped combing her hair and instead turned away from their direction.

"Now what? Did she notice us?" Natalia growled bitterly.

"No," Arianne said. "Because if she did, we'll be as good as a crushed-to-bits skeleton already. According to the myth----" Arianne was stopped when Natalia covered her myth.

"I know that myth, fairy doctor. I used to be called Queen of Myths back when I'm still studying at Cambridge University." said Natalia in her usual arrogant tone.

"Wow," Arianne said, I'm Mythology Queen, too, sucker! She wanted to yell but kept her composure.

"I need to study at a prestigous school, for the sake of being the heiress of a baron family. Anyway, the Lady of the Lake, named Viviane and her two children, Ripple and Por. Por is the male child, and the water itself. It is said that Por occassionally takes the form of human to take a mortal wife." she said.

"And his sister Ripple kills that poor mortal. Ripple is also very short-tempered and carries the famed Pearl of Wisdom." Arianne added, walking towards James and unbuckled the harp on his back.

Natalia raised her brow and slightly chuckled at the funnny faces of the enthralled people. "What's that for?" she asked.

"Peridot might help." Arianne smiled. The priestess just snorted and turned away.


"Mother?" Ripple asked, clinging to her mother's transparent dress.

"Hm? Is something bothering you, Rippy dear?" Vivianesked her daughter as she caressed her hair and cradled her three-feet-in-height daughter.

Ripple stared at the water and knew that her twin brother is gone. She can feel the waters of the lake so dull and empty. She can also feel the Pearl hanging down her neck very uneasily. Her mother is starting to rest, still humming the tune that she always play to put her twins to sleep.

Suddenly, as Vivian was about to fall asleep completely, she bolyed up and glared behind her. "Mother?" asked Ripple in a tiny voice.

Arianne and Natalia are riding on Vislav's back. Viviane looked at them with much authority. She kept her eyes sharp at Vislav. "You dare enter my turf,  kelpie?! Me, the most powerful among fairies?!" Viviane shouted.

Vislav chuckled and raised ita lofty forehead up high, showing that he'll never bow down to the Lady of the Lake. "Don't get so full of yourself, Viviane. You only got your powers from Merlin. You started up as a human and will always end up a human." Vislav chuckled.

Viviane's cheeks burned bright red of shame. She has never thought that the kelpie would bring something like that up. In her anger,  she waved her hand and the water from the lake rose 20 feet high. Her golden hair stood up two times taller than the water.

Natalia quickly rushed to Viviane, walkinf over the water with her staff being held closely at her side. The rose hanging at the end of her staff glowed bright red. The lake water started boiling up. At everyone's shock, Natalia shot a chain of fire at Viviane, making her lose her balance.

"Natalia…" she said in shock. "Priestesses are not allowed to use magic!" she yelled.

Natalia turned to her with a seemingly expressionless eyes. She spoke with a gentler voice. "I  am not Natalia. I am the merged being of Natalia's physical body and a pawn of Michael, which is her Guardian. I am Seraphina, High Priestess of the Burning Flame." she said.

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