Voice of the Strings

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James was practically on Leanan Sidhe's spell. He is longing to hug her and love her, typical of men who fall under her spell.

"Let him free!" Arianne demanded.

Leanan Sidhe laughed. "I myself cannot undo the spell, young one. If he finds love more than how he loved me, then probably, he'll be freed. Take note, I said, probably." she chuckled.

Edmund stomped his foot and tugged irritably at his hair. "Really? Who are you talking to?!" he yelled.

Rinne was also curious. She has a weird attachment to James and she wishes to know.

Leanan Sidhe suddenly swooped at Rinne and clutched her chin. In a split second, they saw Rinne on the wall, with bruises and all. She's pale and can't breath. Being a powerful undine, she can manipulate the waters, including its oxygen flow.

Dimitri growled the moment Leanan Sidhe attacked his master. He charged at her and clawed her and went through her. Dimitri's eyes glowed red and his body grew larger. His transformation is interrupted when Rinne shot a spell on Leanan Sidhe, but missed because she can't see her.

"Persistent child," Leanan Sidhe muttered and waved her arm. A current of water appeared and almost blew Rinne.

She caught her breath. The purple triangle served as her source of power so it glowed. "I might be timid-looking, but, I'll never forguve you, you asshole!" she screamed and a silver light erupted from her wand. "Right, Arianne?!"

"That's my sis!" Arianne cheered. "Go, get 'em, Rinne!"

The silver light proposed Rinne's specialty; wind and the movement of light and sounds, plus illusions. "Winds of the four pillars! Part the raging seas and show who governs the Earth!" she chanted in Ancient Latin.

The water suddenly rose, parted. Rinne pushed herself to her limit. She knows that being on dry land will be a great disadvantage for Leanan Sidhe. Overusing the Triangle will mean death for her.

"Lady Calla!" Dimitri pleaded. "You'll kill yourself! Stop!" he yelled. Hearing this, Edmund threw the key to Arianne who caught it and jumped to the fountain and tried to open the chest. The lid is too heavy and she couldn't lift it.

"Edmund! Help!" she yelled. He jumped down and lifted the lid, revealing a golden harp embedded with black pearls.

"I don't know how to play harp." Edmund said.

"Me either." she huffed and brought the harp to the dry surface.

"But James can. He's an expert in music." Edmund said. Arianne's expression lightened up.

She composed her lungs and yelled. "James, listen! We need you! Play the harp!" she yelled but James is still kneeling on the floor.

"RINNE IS DYING, JAMES!" Arianne yelled. James snapped out of his illusion. He saw Rinne's Triangle slowly fading in light. He ran to Arianne and started playing the harp.

Slowly, Leanan Sidhe covered her ears agressively. She hates the sound of the harp.

Afterwards, James kept playing while Leanan Sidhe went into hiding. He stopped playing and caught Rinne. Since Arianne and Edmund are slightly away from them, she whispered.

"So it ended up that James has 'something' for Rinne after all, huh?" she giggled.

"Yeah," Edmund agreed. "I wonder if you have 'someth---" he was stopped by Arianne.

"Not. A. Chance." she emphasized.

All of a sudden, they heard music coming from the harp, but no one is playing. They all approached it carefully, just in case it's another malevolent undine.

"Humans, I am the spirit of a dead undine." it said.

"But fairies don't have souls... or spirits." Arianne stated.

"True, but they grow one when they share a mutual feeling of love with someone that has a soul." it replied. "I have been slain, and wishes justice. I am here to guide you on your quest, because according to a prophecy, I will gain justice once I see four people, two per gender. Take me with you and I shall help you with your journey." It said.

James took it and buckled it on his back. "Okay, we will. Hang on tight." he said.

They rose up to the surface and sat on a cliff. Suddenly, Edmund noticed that Vislav is missing.

"Oh yeah, I haven't seen him in the fight." Rinne remarked.

Arianne stood up and went a little round the cliff. She gasped when she saw Vislav in his kelpie form, pinned down to the ground, with a birdle on his back. Putting a birdle on the back of a kelpie means whoever caught that kelpie will be his master.

"An Unseelie Fairy, eh?" a man said, together with two other man and a woman is actually the ome who caught Vislav.

Arianne stepped on a stick and broke, alarming the people. "Who's in there?!" the woman yelled.

Arianne quickly ran back to tell the others. As she finished her story, the people who caught the poor kelpie found them. The two girls looked afraid, but Edmund and James looked bewildered.

"Now, what are you doing here?" Edmund asked.

The woman, around 15, was staring intently at James. "France?" she asked, eyes wide open. "And Clark?"

"What the hell are you doing here, Natalia?" James asked.




A/N: Hey there, loyal readers! I'm so glad you made it up to this chapter! Yay!

So, who do you think is Natalia? Anyway, I'll give you Kelpie Faqs in this Sacred Melody(other term for author's note.)

Kelpies are unseelie undine fairies. They are wild creatures and is said that if you manage to put a birdle on the kelpie's back, it will have no choice but to obey you.

That's all! Watch out for the next chappy!

Bye!! XP


-Sorry if it's too short.

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