Priestess Versus Witch... and Fairy Guide?!

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They are staring intently at each other. The woman Natalia stared at James.

"Is it love at first sight?" Arianne chuckled.

Natalia is wearing a grown up to below her knees with blue and silver hems. She is carrying a wooden staff, with eucalyptus leaves and roses hanging at the end. This suit is very familiar to Rinne.

"You…" she pointed at Natalia. "…are a priestess." she said.

Natalia chuckled and ran towards James, wrapping her arms around his neck and clinging to him. "How have you been, France-y dear? Did you miss me? Hm?" Natalia said full of enthusiasm.

"There goes the flirting." Edmund muttered.

Rinne looked quite curious about Natalia and James's relationship. Arianne laughed secretively. They have known each other for so long that even if Rinne hides her feelings, Arianne can read them, and vice-versa.

"Someone's jealous." Arianne teased.

"Tch, quit it, Aria." Rinne said, her brows furrowed at her best friend's joke. She is jealous, but she can't show that to James in front of a witch's mortal enemy, a priestess.

Rinne just turned away from them and they heard Edmund snort. "What year, month, week, day, hour minute and second did you become a priestess. When we were younger, you never pray to God." he said.

Natalia laughed cheekily. She clung to James even more. "I wanted to be religious that's why I became a priestess. Now, I am one step away from being the Grande Mater!" she exclaimed proudly.

"Grande Mater?" James asked.

"The head priestess," Natalia said. She hopped and climbed on Vislav's back, in his horse form.

"Then what will you gain if you caught a kelpie? Priestesses cannot be involved in magic." Arianne said, eyeing on Natalia. Vislav whined because of the tight birdle.

"I just want to," Natalia said. Rinne is getting irritated minute by her haughty and arrogant attitude. She took out her wand. The triangle glowed. Dimitri drew a circle around her, focusing her magic.

She shot a red light at Natalia. The spell vanished when Natalia used her staff to block it and dispell Rinne's magic. "What?!" Rinne exclaimed in disbelief.

Natalia grinned and raised her staff. "This staff is blessed. In fact, you have to wait until you become at least one of the Four Pillar Witches to fight me. Know, your place, little witch." Natalia said. "Alchemyst Three, follow me!" she ordered.

"Wait, Natalia!" Edmund called out. "Can you help us on our quest?" he asked.

All of their eyes weny wide because of that. Not even one of them wanted a nasty girl on their qiest, but Edmund believes that having a witch and a priestess will be helpful, if they will get along.

"Oh? Well, if I can stay close to France, I guess that will be fine." she said, hopping off Vislav's back.




The tension in the air is high until nighttime came. James, Edmund and the triplets namely Carl, Clarence and Connor gathered things for fire and shelter before dusk. The three girls were left by the shore, Vislav mentally whining to Arianne to loosen the birdle.

"Loosen the birdle." Arianne said. Natalia looked alarmed.

"Why should I?" she asked, looking feistily at Arianne. Arianne has a low meter of her temper and is trying to hold back since a few hours ago from strangling Natalia. She doesn't agree at all that she would be helpful. In fact, she consider her a burden.

Arianne gripped the moonstone necklace on her chest. Natalia saw it and wanted to have it. "Okay… I'll loosen Vislsav's and you give me that moonstone necklace." she said, her eyes full of shine and greed to get the necklace.

"I prefer you don't even touch the necklace, Lady Natalia." one of the triplets, the one named Clarence said. Natalia raised a brow at him.

Arianne grinned widely. "Oookay." she said and handed over the necklace to Natalia.

She excitedly took it. But the moment she did, her fingers were suddenly burned. She screamed of pain and threw the necklace back to Arianne. "What's with that thing?!" she demanded.

Arianne and Rinne bursted out laughing. Arianne put the moonstone back on her neck, hanging loosely on her chest. Edmund and James are already sitting down om the rock beside the three girls.

"Hah! Natalia, this moonstone can only be touched by me and fairies. No one else. That's a spell." Arianne smirked and turned away. Natalia doesn't want that. She would not loosen Vislav's birdle, nor let her off so easily.

She took her staff and pointed it to Arianne without her knowing.

"My, same as always, that stupid fairy doctor." Vislav heard a voice while he's all curled up on the sand. He saw a fox sitting leisurely on one of the rocks. It has scarlet fur, pointy ears and a tail with a white end. It has blue eyes(refer to the song, 'The Fox' for the more details).

"Hm? A fox fairy?" Vislav asked. "Well, since you're very kind-hearted, would you mind loosening this birdle?" Vislav pouted. The fox glared at him.

"We are not in good terms, kelpie." the fox said.

They watched as Natalia was about to hit Arianne with the staff. Rinne managed to stop it before it hit Arianne's back by shootibg a Disarming Spell.

"Is that all you got, little witch? Or maybe you're just a nymphette?" Natalia mocked. She jumped to the air and back-flipped landing on the staff standing on the ground. She summoned a green sword, spiritually, to fight Rinne.

"My guardian angel is a pawn of Michael. Come at me, witch, if you dare! I'll fight in the name of Jesus Christ!" Natalia declared. Rinne clenched and raised her wand. She felt insulted. She has passed the stage of being a nymphette a long time ago. She is now an Element Witch. However, if she's going to base the fight in their ranks alone, she's on the losing side.

"Don't you think these girls like fights more than we do?" Edmund asked James teasingly for Arianne to hear. She glared at him.

As their wills clashed, it made side-effects. One of those is about to hit Arianne. She dodged but the string of the necklace suddenly broke, where Natalia is about to land.

The fox Vislav was talking to jumped and caught the necklace before Natalia lands.

The fox went to Arianne and put the necklace back to her neck. "How many times have I told you to always take care of the moonstone?" he scolded.

Arianne quickly recognized the voice and hugged the fox.

"Vixen! I missed you!" she said, almost squishing him. Vixen shoved her off and gave her a strike on the head. "Ow."

"Next time you put the moonstone in danger, I' m going to report you to the Fairy Army." Vixen threatened.

"Alright! I'm sorry, okay?" Arianne said.

Vixen licked his paw and glared at Edmund.





You likey?

What do you think of Vixen's character?

Who do you think is more suitable for James, Natalia or Rinne? What do you like more, witch, or priestess?

I would like to hear your opinions and suggestions. Vote and comment!!!

-Frostal Sophia

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