Important Notes

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Hi there readers! Soo, the last chappy is quite short, 'cos it's the ending. Sorry, but I'm not very good in writing endings. Hehe… XD

Anyway, this story is based from Celtuc myths, but the Lady of the Lake and Sword Excalibur part is from Arthurian Legends. Also, I got the inspiration from a manga (turned to anime) called Hakushaku to Yōsei. (English Translation:Earl and Fairy)

Arianrhod: Goddess of the Silver Wheel, mother of Dylan and Lleu.

Dylan ail Don:Sea god, went to the sea right after he was christened.

Brigid: Triple Goddess; goddess of alchemists, healing and the hearth

Excalibur: Sword given by the Lady of the Lake to King Arthur.

Vivian: Lady of the Lake

Merlin: He was said to be the one who turned Vivian to the Lady of the Lake

Titania: First Fairy Queen in William Shakespeare's books

Undines: Fairy Elemental

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