Leanan Sidhe

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"If it's underwater, then probably, we should follow the sirens. You said something like follow the cry." Edmund said. He's really enchanted with the sirens' voice.

"Merrow's voice, not a siren's." Arianne corrected and rolled her eyes at Edmund.

Arianne sat on the sill and thought of something. They need an Undine fairy to let them in. Then a thought came to her mind. "Kelpie!" she exclaimed.

"What?" James asked.

"Kelpie!" she repeated with much enthusiasm. "Water horses!" she exclaimed.

Arianne dipped her hand on the bath tub and she felt a huge amount of fae magic in it. The sensations are so strong it guves her the shivers.

Kelpie, it is I, Serenity. We need thy help. Please come. She talked and called out to it. It didn't make any response at first, but then after a while, the bath tub began to shake. A dark horse galloped out of it. The same horse appeared before them.

"Yes, Serenity?" he asked, winking at her, slowly transforming into his human form.

Arianne felt nauseous seeing him. "Kelpie----"

"The name's Vislav." he interrupted.

"Vislav, can you allow our entry to the Merrow's lair? As in the Grand Shell of the Undines?" sge asked.

Edmund laughed at the term. "Grand Shell..." he muttered.

Arianne glared at him. Vislav is thinking things through. His long curly hair straight down his back. He snapped his fingers. "Ah! Only if you promise your marriage with me." he said.

Edmund's ears are sharp once he hears something about Arianne's marriage. He stood up to the tall height if Vislav around 6'5. "I am engaged to her." he emphasized.

Vislav raised an eyebrow at him. "Anollment... do that." He grinned.

Rinne leaned closer to James and went closer to his ear. "Why's he so enthusiastic?" she asked.

"No idea." he plainly replied.

After Vislav had a verbal defeat, he promised them that he'll obey whatever a Tudor has to say, because Arianne will someday become one.

They transported outside the castle and was near the cliff. "Why do they call you Serenity?" James asked.

"It's the same with witchcraft. They have names only their kind can use. My witch name is Calla." said Rinne. Dimitri went down to her level. She climbed his broad back and floated inthe air.

"Cool." Edmund remarked.

Vislav opened a whirlpool. "Beyond that is the world of Undines, a certain domain in the Fairy Nation." he said.

Dimitri dove with Rinne gripping his fur. She pulled very hard that Dimitri made an irritated groaning sound. "Sorry, Dim!" she shrieked and disappeared behind the whirlpool.

"Rinne!" Arianne screamed.

"How do we know if it really leads to Fairyland?" asked James, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Serenity's fairy guide would've shot me with thunder already if I'm fooling you." Vislsav said.

Arianne knew it's a lie. She has never felt Vixen's care and protection. James jumped and disappeared as well. Vislav galloped down. Edmund held Arianne's hand.

"Let's go?" he asked.


She gripped him and breathed heavily. They jumped down together and they entered a portal-like whirlpool.

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