Castle of Wind's Mistresses

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They were passing through a tunnel with no light. In truth, they really can't see each other. They are only holding on to Paralda's dress.

"Are we there yet?" Edmund huffed, trying to catch up.

"Almost." Paralda said casually. They then exited the seemingly never-ending tunnel. They walked up a diamond and marble staircase that leads up to the earth. They felt the icy breeze slowly welcome them.

When they came in to the surface, they saw that the misty figure of Paralda became clear now. She has white, wavy, flowing hair, swaying in the wind. She has eyes the color of snowdrops. Her dress is a transparent veil.

The place is bright from the light the feyfolk give of. In front of them is a large castle with ivory pillars and huge stone columns, marble floors and walls accented with precious gems. Around it is a beautiful courtyard consist mostly of white or blue plants.

"This is the Castle of Sylphs, or Air Elementals. Why did you bring us here, Your Majesty? If you don't mind me asking." Arianne said, trying to be respectful while standing in awe for Paralda's etheric beauty.

"I don't mind at all, Serenity. But you are correct. This is the place where Sylphs who have an important role in the fae hierarchy dwell, with me as their leader. But still, you know very well that there is still someone more powerful and beautiful than I am." Paralda said in a rather humble tone.

"The Fairy Queen." Edmund said. Arianne looked at him in surprise.

"You knew?" she asked. He laughed.

"Oh please, even a five-year-old knows the answer." he said arrogantly. Arianne scowled at this.

They followed Paralda to the tea table in the courtyard, overlooking the rest of Mt. Everest. The lower nobility served them the so-called Breeze Tea.

"Oh God, no signal?!" Edmund said in alarm, pulling his phone out of his pocket and Arianne gave him a kick on the foot.

"This is Mt. Everest, the highest elevation on Earth. Of course there is no signal!" she half-shouted.

"If the network signal is the problem, Marquis, My Lord, please let this humble servant of yours fix it." Paralda said. She waved her hand and a wind came to them. Suddenly, all four bars of his phone lighted up.

"Wow! You can do that?!" he said in amazement.

"Your Majesty, let's cut to the chase. Where should we go?" Arianne asked.

Paralda thought for a while.  Then a young girl about the age of seven came running to Paralda. She hugged her and sat on her lap. Arianne stared at her beautiful features and made the girl uncomfortable.

"Ah, Evanna. Your mother is in a very important meeting." Paralda said, educating the girl.

"But you promised to play with me, Mother Dearest." the child pleaded. Arianne and Edmund looked at each other in confusion.

"Is she the next in line, Your Majesty?" Arianne asked with her eyes eager to know.

"Supposedly. But in Fairyland, the Princess doesn't always get the throne. Sometimes, it's the one who is more suitable." she said.

"Anyway, it's a good thing you came here, Evanna. Can you tell them where they're supposed to go?" Paralda smiled. Evanna sighed and jumped out from her  mother's lap.

"What will you give me in return?" Evanna asked. Arianne knew it'll come to this. Fairies always ask for sonething in return. She thought. Then her eyes sparkled.

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