Chapter 1

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I stormed down the hallway, letting my anger overcome me. I didn't want to stop it, I wanted it to flow like a cut open heart, unstoppable. I heard her racing after me, I wanted to grab a stapler off one of my teacher's desks and throw it at her. Even though she's my best friend.

"Kendra! Please! I'll help you with this, I'll make it satisfying, you just have to accept!"

I kept my shoulders hunched, stalking past silent classrooms as my friend screamed after me.

"Kendra, just stop!" Not until I was outside, no.

I turned the corner, and slipped through one of the archways into the courtyard. I stopped as I settled down on a metal bench, cringing at the chill but too angry to do anything about it, except sit there slouched all stubbornly.

She stood breathless at the archway, clearly pissed because I didn't listen to her. Well I was pissed even more.

"Kendra, would you listen to me for once?!" She sounded like my mom. Heh. Ever since the hormones kicked in, her attitude had raised. She used to be as mellow as a greyhound.

"I'll help you get revenge if you want, just next time listen to me?" she said in a shrill voice.

"That asshole is ready to get her butt kicked. She'll fly to Mars and back, that's what," I grumbled.

She huffed back in annoyance. "So you're just going to kick her?"

"Oh, she'll get some serious damage done."

"So I guess you don't need my help then?"

"No," I said, and she was off.

She knew she would get into just as much trouble as I would. I was tired of the sorry carcass.

I got myself up, feeling the anger still boiling, cherishing the rage because I knew it wouldn't be there later. I lifted myself off the bench, passing through the sunlit part of the courtyard, stopping momentarily to let the heat soak through my cold back. 

I continued my stomping off to the bathroom. I entered and stared into the mirror at myself. I stopped as I went into the daydream of the memory of it all happening. I began to curl my lips in disgust, and curl my fists in rage. I wanted her face mounted on the wall of my room so I could beat it to shreds every night. But she would pay still alive, I wasn't allowed to kill her.

I gave a short sigh at the thought, depressed, but still fuming.

I looked at the brown glop in my hair, a contrast to the black hair on my head. I pulled paper towel out of the dispenser to my side and pulled the stuff out of my hair. It was beginning to dry, but I didn't want to get anymore on my shirt than there already was.

I left my hair and rubbed the goop off my shirt, knowing it would stain red. My hair was already getting tints of it.

Eh, not to bad, maybe I'd just give her a punch to the face and stomach, but forget about the kicking, I liked the red in my hair quite a bit.

I stuck my head under the sink and began to wash off the red on my face. Weird how it came off skin so easily, but not hair.

I began to wet my hair in the places it was red to clean as much off as possible.

I finished and looked again through the mirror. I looked strange with partially wet hair. I shrugged it off and left back to class.

I sat in my seat, staring at Ms. Gray as she began to scribble down notes on the board, and science experiment results. I gave a glare at the back of Hallie's head as Ms. Gray mentioned the science experiment.

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