making things right

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We got to the hospital an hour ago and all ive been doing is walking back and forth waiting for pauly to wake up. Right now i just feel stupid and horrible.

I mean i could of asked who was there before i threw the knife. But did i? No because im a terrible person!

I keep looking up at pauly waiting for her to wake up. Can she just wake up already?

Another hour passes. She still hasnt woke up. I get up and go walk around. The silence of the building calms me down.

I had time to think as i walked down every hallway. I know what i have to do with pauly. No matter what happened in the past...its in the past. I need to move on. I need my best friend back.

Its crazy how everything happens to me. To the people around me.

I walk back to paulys room. As soon as i walk in her eyes are slowly opening. I give her a small smile.

"Hey..." I go sit down next to her.

"um look im very sorry. I didnt mean to do that to you." I grab ahold of her hand and hold it."Its fine...i guess you got your payback." She chuckles softly and i smile as i look down.

"I just wanted you to know very very sorry for everything ive done to you. I know i keep saying it but this time i mean it." She stutters as she speaks.

I look up at her. This time i dont know if i believe her or not.

"You know i cant trust you right now." She nods."Its just everything you've done this past couple of months almost had me killed." she nods again.

"This time i mean it. I won't bored you with all these explanations but i hope that someday you'll forgive me." I shrug my shoulders and nod.

"I was hoping that day would be today but then you threw a knife at me." She laughs and i give out a small chuckle.

"About very sorry." i smile at her."And anyway why were you at my house?" I look at her.

"I honestly thought you died..i didnt want to believe it. And i was at your house because i was about to grab a necklace." I look at her confused.

"Why a necklace?" She smiles.

"i had left one of the first necklaces you gave me at your house one day. And i wanted to have remind me of you. " she looks down at our hands.

"So you just wanted your necklace?" She nods. This time i believed her. Something about it, i could just feel it wasnt a lie.

"Im glad your awake." I smile at her and she smiles back.

" look so sad. Why's that?" I sigh. She always knew when i was sad. I didnt know how but she did.

"I broke things up with Robert..." My eyes start tearing up."oh im sorry.Do you want to talk about it?" I nod.

I needed someone to talk to about it."He wanted a child pauly...and he said that he was seeing someone else."  I was now crying.

"Oh..well just because he wanted a child doesnt mean you had to break up." I stare at her.

"Pauly...i cant give him what he wants.
And anyway he was already seeing a girl." I wipe my tears.

"Thats too bad. Im sorry cheralina." i smile at her.

"Thanks pauly." I kiss her on the cheek and smile."So did the doctor say when i can leave the hospital?" I nod.

"The doctor said you can leave in the next two weeks." she sighs and nods.

that day i murder someone...Where stories live. Discover now