this time its rope

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I walk up in a bed. My hands are tied to the frame of the bed. It happened again.

I see a man walks in. My eyes following the handsome man where every he goes.

"What are you staring at." He askes me as he shaprens the knife in his hand."oh dont you know. Im looking at you. Your hot body...your muscular arms. Your beautiful hair." I say it seductively.

"If your trying to get me to untie you, it wont work." He goes over and sits at the end of the bed.

"Thats a shame...i could do more things untied." I bite the side of my lip."im not here to do things with you. Im here to torture you." He looks at me.

"Arent you no fun." He tightens the rope even more tight making me scream quietly.

"Come here." I look at him and he walks over to me."closer." He gets closer to me but no where i want him. "Closer as in Face to face." He sits on the bed and puts his face closely to mine.

I kiss him. I kiss him real good. He tries to pull away but i kiss him again. "Dont torture me.." I fake cry.

I see the knife in his pocket about to fall out."but babe sadly i have to torture you." He gives me a fake sad look.

"just do one more thing please?" He looks at me while i check out his body. "What do you want me to do?" I smile.

"get on top of me." He gets on top of me and the knife falls next to arm. he goes in for another kiss and i take my head and hit his head hard. Making him pass out.

"awe i hit the pretty boy in the head making his perfect nose bloody." i pick up the knifes handle with my teeth and start to cut the rope slowly.

I now have cut my hands free from the rope. I start to cut the rope from my ankles and then someone unlocks the door and comes in.

its a woman this time. she takes off her mask."well look at you. I didnt expect you would be that smart." she smiles and takes the knife away from me.

"Please! Let me go!" i begg as she walks out of sight.

"Oh you didnt understand did you? Or was max not clear." she looks at me while she is putting something in a needle.

"He was clear...." i look at her. "just please let me go! please.." She comes over to me.

"You sad thing." she says as she gets ready to insert the needle in my neck."ms.baranski, hes here to see you." She gets up and has a worried look on her face.

Whos this man? is he here for me? Question after question goes through my head.

"Dont go anywhere...ill be back for you." She leaves the room and locks the door.

I try as hard as i can to get the remaining rope off my ankles. A couple of minutes later the rope breaks.

I run to ths door trying to get it open. How will i get out before she comes back...

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