maybe its forever?

105 14 18

I look around thinking i would be in the hospital but i see my room. I check my back. No blood or cut. Im honestly confused by this.

I put on a robe and walk down stairs. I smell an amazing sent of Bacon and eggs coming from the kitchen. Maybe pauly was over to make me some breakfast!

I walk into the kitchen speechless. My jaw completely drops. This cant be happening."morning cher! Made you some breakfast." Rob smiles at me and kisses me on the cheek and hands me the plate of food.

What is going on? I mean im so happy to see him. But how is he here?

I look down and notice a diamond ring on my ring finger! Im married to him? When did this all happen!

"Cher are you okay?" He gets up and walkes over to me."um yeah i am. Thanks babe for checking up." I kiss him and sit down at the table.

"Okay i just wanted to look a little confused while you were looking at your ring." He smiles and holds my hand across the table. Oh god that smile again. I melt as i look at his eyes.

"I just think i hit my head." i put my hand on my head just in case he thought i was faking."Oh i can get you some medicine?" He looks at me and i shake ny head no. Hes so caring and kind, and wonderful.

"I think i'll be fine babe.thanks!" I smile at him."So i was wondering if i could take you out tonight! Maybe you could have your mom watch our son?" I stare at him in shock.

I have a son? What the hell! honestly im shocked about all this. It doesnt add up. How do i have a son at 73? And how do i have rob here and im married to him?

"Cher? Are you sure you dont need any medicine or maybe go to the hospital to check out your head?" he Looks at me worried.

"no i dont im fine. Yeah i could get mom to watch him." I smile and get up and put my dishes in the sink.

I kiss rob and squeeze his amazing arms. he gets up and puts his dishes in the sink. He surprisingly picks me up and goes to the bedroom.

He places me on the bed and gets on top of me.He kisses me and takes off my robe. He wraps his arms around and softly kisses my stomach.

An hour later were under the covers cuddle our cold bodies together.he whispers to me."I love you cherylin. But you need to go to work."

He kisses my neck softly and Gets up. I have a job? What job? I swear to god i already did my tour and my album.

I look at him."what job?" He looks at me and grabs a shirt."your a singer cher...they need to be there today for a meeting. You told me last night that it was a big deal." he gets on his shirt and leaves the room.

I dont remember anything other than me being alone. Not married,not having another son. Ive killed rob and was feeling horrible. Then the next minute i get stab. im just confused on how this happened.

Maybe this is real. Maybe i was having a bad dream about all that? I dont know.

I change into a sexy black dress with a black leather jacket and put on red heels. I grab my phone and purse. I walk downstairs and a little kid comes running to me.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look what i made! its a drawing of you! me and daddy did it!" The little guy shows me the drawing and smiles widly. He is honestly the cutest little guy ive seen.i pick him up and hold him.

Looks alot like rob but has some looks of mine."awe thank you baby." I pick him up and kiss him on the cheek.

Im loving this to be honest."hey mommy has to go to work but we can hang this up on the refrigerator first." i smile at him. I have no idea what his name is but he is absolutely adorable.

We hang up the picture on the refrigerator and i look at him surprise and then i tickle the kid. He giggles cutely and gives me a tiny little kiss.

"okay mommy loves you but she has to go. Bye baby." i put him down and he wines.

"Mommy dont leave! Your always at work everyday and i barely get to see you." He hugs my leg super tight.

"Baby look tomorrow mommy will take you out to the park and play with you! Does that sound good?" He nods and lets go of my leg.

Its so sad that he didnt want me to leave. This child is one of a kind.I give him one last hug and he runs to his room. I kiss rob and tell him goodbye and i leave off to work.

I get home later and i sit on the sofa. much going on.

Rob comes up behind me and starts giving me a massage. I need it. I pull my head back and he kisses me.

I hold his cheecks and keep kissing him. He jumps over the sofa and pushes me the the end of the sofa. He puts his hands on my leg and kisses me. He takes off my dress and his shirt.

just when we were getting tk the good part our son walks in and screams."mommy, daddy theres a monster under my bed." we both look at him.

I then turn to rob."go help out him and get the moster tk disappear." rob looks at me.

"But i do it every time. its your turn." I look at him serious."well mommys scared of the monster." I give rob a sexy look."just go do it and next time ill do it." He nods and goes helps out the little guy.

Rob comes back and immediately picks me up. I smile and kiss him the whole time were going to our bedroom

I really hope this is real...

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