This is Ours

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A/N: Thank you to sameme15 and emison5eva for the reviews! <3 And thank you to everyone who are still reading! I love you guys!!

Alison sat as Hanna paced in front of her. Alison had her usual nonchalant demeanor on, sitting with her arms lazily resting over the counter of Hanna's kitchen island. She watched, almost amused, as Hanna walked back and forth, trying to form words that wouldn't come to her. Hanna had never been good with speeches. Those were Spencer's territory. But she felt this was hers to give, and she would be damned if she didn't force herself to spit it out.

"Alison." Alison raised her eyebrows in response, smiling that smile that everyone knew was only falsely innocent, yet everyone still fell for. It was a wonder how Alison could have done that for so many years. But Hanna was immune to it now, and with firm resolve, she said, "Don't hurt Emily."

"Relationships breed hurt, Hanna. It's a thing of human interaction."

Hanna pursed her lips, not to be thwarted. Not about this. "I'm serious. You broke Emily's heart. To pieces. We watched her go through a time when we lost you, and then when they found your 'body' and when she thought she lost you again when Spencer caught the two of you-" Hanna shook her head. "I've watched Emily get hurt too many times because of you. I'm not even for this relationship."

"Well then, it's a good thing you're not a part of it."


"Hanna." Alison lost her smile, and it was replaced by something fierce. "I told you butting into other people's business is unbecoming."

"Emily is my business! She's my best friend!"

"And she's mine, too. And more." Alison shrugged leaning back from the counter. "She decided I'm worth a little more than you think I do. That was her call, not yours."

"She doesn't think straight when she's around you. You keep throwing her in for a loop-"

"Trust me when I say that Emily is a lot stronger and smarter than that."

"I know that!"

"You're contradicting yourself."

Then Hanna was leaning over the counter, hands splayed on the top, with a heated expression on her face. "I won't have you hurting her again."


"Have you thought about this? Have you considered all your options? Maybe this is just rebound from Paige-"

"We both know that's not true."

"Emily." Spencer stared at her friends, wanting to see that whatever decision Emily had made wasn't based on just emotions. "We found out more about Alison in the last two years that she was gone than the several years that we were her friend. What does that say about her?"

Emily shrugged. "Doesn't that mean I'm more equipped to deal with her now?"

"That's not the point! Alison is dangerous. We haven't even completely crossed her off as -A, yet!"

Emily's eyes narrowed. "Don't go there."

"The theater-"

"Don't. Go. There." Emily's voice was dangerously low, and she had started to stand up from Spencer's couch. "Are we done here?"

"No! Hanna's still talking to Alison, and-"

Shock registered on Emily's features. "What the hell? What is this? Some kind of divide and conquer strategy for questioning?" She shook her head in disbelief. "Find something else to solve, Spencer. Me and my relationship with Alison aren't one of your puzzles."

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